A brief history of Iran and America’s relations and the facts that have led to this political gridlock. This is something every American should watch. [youtube]Q_AHJQiMxIw[/youtube]
Governments and corporations have more control over the Internet than ever. Now, digital activists want to build an alternative network that can never be blocked, filtered or shut down. Just after midnight on January 28, 2011, the government of Egypt, rocked by three straight days of massive antiregime protests […]
[youtube]8QlJk3lqEP0[/youtube] [youtube]zg0tGIhj8P0[/youtube] To all non-supporters of Ron Paul, Despite what the media has painted him, he really is a kind of candidate that doesn’t come along very often and is worth AT LEAST educating yourself on the man and what he stands for before simply writing him off. Don’t you […]
This video narrates a collection of diverse phenomena in the debris cloud of the South Tower that point to explosive demolition. [youtube]DChR1XcYhlw[/youtube] Particularly notable is one projectile (which I have not seen discussed previously) that is shooting to the east, then stops, midair, then turns a sharp corner and shoots […]
The “Global Language Dictionary” teaches Israel propagandists how to hoodwink people about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, how to silence critics and how to avoid making statements that produce negative reactions. . Meet another of Israel’s undesirables, Yuli Edelstein. He is the regime’s Propaganda Minister (or to be more precise, Minister for […]
… and you can read all about it and then watch it just by clicking on the picture of the toff below.
Greece is the epicenter of a drama that threatens to unwind with all the intrigue and subterfuge of ancient Greek myths and tragedies. As with the legend of Icarus, big, and now bigger, transnational banks provoked the gods with their wax-and-feather financial fabrications to create the appearance of soaring wealth. […]
A breakdown of videos examining “peaceful” Syria protestors armed with Israeli weapons attacking the police, faked videos of “dead protestors”, and the real story of what is happening in Syria. When you look at the events occurring in Syria through the prism of what is reported through western media outlets […]
Richard Gage, AIA of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth takes you through most of the scientific forensic evidence proving beyond a reasonable doubt that the destruction of the WTC was accomplished with explosive controlled demolition. Running at 112 mins – it is almost two hours of your life well […]