[ Wish this was an ‘election Issue’ for ‘Green Parties’ around the world. But it isn’t. ] Depleted uranium is radioactive and extremely destructive to humans – with a half-life of 4.5 billion years. In other words, it takes 4.5 billion years for one kilogram of depleted uranium to reduce […]
. [ Map of Iran encircled by Anglo military bases ] As most readers know, the drumbeat for war on Iran has been building over the last several years in both, the imperial and alternative media. Our question is: if the US / Israeli regime plans to attack, why threaten […]
. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6GvQ7_nYH8 An abundance of forensic evidence proves the official 9/11 conspiracy theory is scientifically and physically impossible. If the official theory were true, the laws of thermodynamics and thermochemistry would need to be rewritten and people would survive months of burial in sand. . Read the rest here
[ nice to see that some still currently have electricity ] Article
Congressman Oscar Callaway lost his Congressional election for opposing US entry into WW 1. Before he left office, he demanded investigation into JP Morgan & Co for purchasing control over America’s leading 25 newspapers in order to propagandize US public opinion in favor of his corporate and banking interests, including […]
[youtube]DdyD8yZ68NA[/youtube] The trailer of the documentary We are Nabi Saleh! Check out https://www.wearenabisaleh.com for more info.
The recent talks between Israeli and Palestinian negotiators have reached a standstill, with the Israeli negotiators refusing to present borders between Israel and a future Palestinian state. [ Israel can’t present its own borders to anyone – because it is constantly expanding them. Outward. This is the root cause of […]
Why was MegaUpload really shut down? UPDATE: Forbes covered this story a day after this was posted. Awesome guys! In December of 2011, just weeks before the takedown, Digital Music News reported on something new that the creators of #Megaupload were about to roll out. Something that would rock the music […]
[youtube]g67grWuDmyg[/youtube] Michael Riverio of Whatreallyhappened.com lays it all out.