Antarctica sea ice is at a “mind-blowing” record low winter area of 17 million square kilometres, reports a three-person BBC “News Climate & Science and Data Journalism Team”, as lower levels than those recorded in the recent past provide the cue for yet more media climate hysteria. Chris Morrison – […]
This one has been all over the MSM, despite Brand’s “awakening” having been totally ignored by them over the past few years. Having gone from a drug-addicted comedian and actor to a voice of freedom and an exposer of corruption and hypocrisy, it was only a matter of time before […]
Roll up your sleeves, suckers. Mexican congress thinks we’re all idiots. My newsfeeds and inbox are bulging with items on this thing. Yes, the Mexicans have outdone the Americans on the “disclosure’ silliness. Two rather crude little ET-like thingies that is being claimed as world-shaking evidence of aliens visiting the […]
As the world remembers the collapse of the WTC back in 9/11 2001, and regardless of what you believe about who was responsible or how and why, we also remember Trump’s uncanny “prediction” that hints at reality being not quite what it seems. How did he know? (A while back […]
Its Groundhog Day! Reality is broken. We’re reliving 2016 all over again. Time to reset and move on. And that depends on all of us learning from the past. If you’re my age you may remember that cute movie where the egotistical weatherman was trapped in a simulated reality (aren’t […]
Hawaii aftermath has resulted in a lot of videos both new and old being recommended unsolicited to the feeds of many interested parties, myself among them. More than one commenter in the YT community has wondered if we finally have a friend on the inside at YouTube? Martin CRAZY VIDEO! […]
International scientists have jointly signed a declaration dismissing the existence of a climate crisis and insisting that carbon dioxide is beneficial to Earth, contrary to the popular alarmist narrative. Naveen Athrappully – Epoch Times Aug 29, 2023 “There is no climate emergency,” the Global Climate Intelligence Group (CLINTEL) said in […]
Working quietly for the WHO to strip you of your rights and freedoms, That’s what Ashley Bloomfield is doing. Jon Eisen sent me this link earlier today. PLEAE WATCH AND SHARE! StayWell Man – What’s Ashley Bloomfield up to these days?… | Facebook So following up, this is the WHO’s […]
Next time someone calls you a “conspiracy theorist” for suggesting depopulation and the New World Order are a thing, show them these little gems: The first monster, Dennis Meadows, is a Club of Rome member who claimed as far back as 1972 that “CO2 is an atmospheric pollutant” and wants […]
Why did police block streets? Why did state stall release of critical water supplies? If you question any of this, media says you’re a believer in ‘outlandish conspiracy theories’ Do not question anything: Just sit down, accept what we tell you, and shut up, plebes! Leo Hohmann – Aug MSN, […]