Why has the much hyped hyperloop been scaled back to a Tesla-in-a-tunnel? No doubt many readers will be familiar with the RAND concept for an underground Rapid Transit System and the persistent rumours that the weird rattles and booms coming from underground across the US are a result of either […]
Not really surprising, as much of today’s MSM seems to be composed of keen Leftists: Eoin LenihanQuilletteWed, 29 May 2019 16:32 UTC © Andy NgoAntifa thugs On February 1, 2017, Milo Yiannopoulos was scheduled to give a talk about free speech at the University of California, Berkeley. But he was […]
Yet more fakery, and more evidence of a Socialist agenda masquerading as a “Climate Emergency”. Is the sea rising? Not according to two Australian researchers. MH Vick BattsNews TargetTue, 28 May 2019 09:44 UTC A scientific paper published by a team of Australian researchers has revealed a startling find: Scientists […]
At the end of 2017, The New York Times broke the story of a secretive Pentagon program with a budget of $22 million to investigate UFOs called the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP). The man who exposed the existence of the program, Luis Elizondo, was the former head of […]
An interesting perspective on the Tradewar situation and how America’s treatment of Huawei may actually play in the CCP favour! Chris KanthanSott.netSat, 25 May 2019 19:59 UTC SaveTrump and the entire group of US political and corporate elites are doing Xi Jinping and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) an incredible […]
MURDER Inc. & cover up at the highest level. The BS that was reported was VERY different from the facts and evidence. The spotlight on the JFK, RFK, & 911 murders must NOT end until the REAL killers are brought to justice! On July 16, 1999, John Fitzgerald Kennedy Junior […]
AARRGH! It’s a “climate emergency!” the sky is falling! The MSM resorts to Chicken Little alarmist tactics when facts and logic fail: Wuwt.comSun, 19 May 2019 15:01 UTC The Guardian‘s editor has just issued this new guidance to all staff on language to use when writing about climate change and […]
Some serious issues spring to mind: How about bonding and emotional development? It would play right into the NWO agenda of course, to have children born with no family bond and stunted emotions: Robots of The State. MH John VibesTruth TheorySat, 18 May 2019 00:00 UTC © The Matrix The […]
They’re back in the news: The “dancing Israelis” were a big topic here at Uncensored a number of years back, now new revelations add to the suspicions. Proof? No. But certainly worthy of greater scrutiny. MH Whitney WebbMint Press NewsSun, 19 May 2019 18:45 UTC Four of the Israeli nationals […]
Will the Trade War turn “kinetic”? Personally I doubt it: China knows the US is “master” of military warfare and they will do everything to avoid that scenario. China’s speciality is economic warfare. I suspect by the tone of the Huawei communications, the US may have beaten them at their […]