Shortly after Donald Trump’s election, a UK-funded covert influence group proposed opening a new office in the US to train a “younger generation of Russia watchers” and “strengthen” America’s role in countering Moscow, leaks show. From Published time: 9 Jan, 2019 20:49 Edited time: 10 Jan, 2019 09:37 The […]

Water fluoridation has been around for just over 60 years and whilst the practice has become widespread, particularly in Western nations, it’s always been a controversial and often passionately argued one. Huw GriffithsNew Dawn MagazineTue, 01 Jan 2019 15:50 UTC My formative moment in the fluoride ‘debate’, one that cathartically […]

I was impressed by the connection made to UN Agenda 21 (and presumably 2030Agenda therefore) in this presentation. Other “natural” disaster areas around the world (Christchurch for example)seem to have a similar connection, including depopulated “occupation free” or “red” zones. Will California be next on The UN Resilient Cities list? […]

Let’s get real:  haven’t self-driving vehicles always seemed like they’re more trouble than they’re worth? By B.N. Frank Let’s get real:  haven’t self-driving vehicles always seemed like they’re more trouble than they’re worth? Activist Post doesn’t endorse vandalism or violence.  However, this New York Times article, “Wielding Rocks and Knives, […]

There’s a definite political party strategy, or dichotomy, regarding illegal immigration.  Nothing proves that more definitively than the video below wherein then-Democrat-Party President Bill Clinton told the Nation, in a speech before Congress, almost the same remarks about illegal immigrants which now-Republican-Party President Donald J. Trump says concerning illegal immigration. […]
