A foreign policy think tank more secretive than Bilderberg has included both instrumental architects of the “War of Terror” and accusations of CIA funding By Rachel Blevins – September 5, 2017 Bilderberg has gained a reputation as the world’s most secretive group of billionaires and political leaders who conspire to […]
September 5, 2017 By Nicholas West Step by step, facial recognition has been accepted by the general public for security; its appearance is proliferating at airports and at train stations around the world. With that acclimatization in full swing, facial recognition is also becoming a preference in the name of […]
Take this blog any way you like. Humour, speculation, entertaining or just nonsense. Or maybe, just maybe, there’s something to all this……? Donald Trump: Just mention the name and you’re sure to get a strong reaction. Love him, hate him, can’t make head nor tail of him? One thing is […]
By Makia Freeman Contributing writer for Wake Up World Total Individual Control Technology is a type of EM (Electromagnetic) and V2K (Voice to Skull) mind-control technology that is being experimented with and deployed by the military industrial complex against segments of the American population. Total Individual Control Technology is the ultimate weapon of […]
Backing up what the Alternative Archaeology crowd have been saying for years, it seems humans have been around for many millions of years. The standard model of human evolution seems to be unravelling and it all seems to be realigning to the alternative theories that were being rubbished not so […]
Socialism: opiate of the masses by Jon Rappoport September 1, 2017 Let’s get something straight. There is no pure form of socialism, where “the government owns the means of production.” The means of production own the government, and vice versa. It’s always collusion. Elite power players stitch themselves together like […]
I’m publishing this piece for perspective and the “critical thinking” theme as much as anything else. As per UNN’s motto: Think For Yourself Note: Be sure to follow the link at article bottom to follow up! Monday, August 28, 2017 by: Mike Adams (Natural News) We’re bringing this claim to […]
Not so long ago in a galaxy not very far away…. A planet divided: Two factions battle for control: The Republic Alliance and the Democratic Independant Union. But behind the scenes, a dark power is manipulating both sides to instigate an all-powerful New World Order…. Readers familiar with my blogs […]
Nods to Sarah and Rose https://thecontrail.com/forum/topics/birling-gap-beach-150-treated-after-chemical-mist About 150 people have been treated in hospital and hundreds more affected by an unknown gas which hit the East Sussex coast. Birling Gap beach was evacuated on Sunday after people reported breathing difficulties, stinging eyes and vomiting when a “mist” appeared. Sussex Police […]
Antony Sutton, Skull&Bones, Hitler, the Bush family by Jon Rappoport August 27, 2017 The prodigious author and researcher, Antony Sutton (1925-2002), wrote about hidden men behind momentous events. I recently came across a 1999 interview with Sutton, conducted by Kris Millegan, researcher and head of TrineDay publishers. Millegan wrote about […]