They voted both FOR Trump, and AGAINST Sick Mama. They voted for policies and a promise of a rational future, as against stupidity. The Democratic Party has no Champion and no Message. At this time they are attempting to gain traction by slogans and stickers of negativity against Republican candidates. […]
by Chris Matyszczyk July 26, 2017 10:02 AM PDT Commentary: An Amazon patent granted on Tuesday says its drones will capture data about properties to make future recommendations. Just what will it be doing when it’s hovering above your house? Amazon Preparing for the future means preparing for every part […]
Project Blue Beam: Still Crazy After All These Years Part Two: “We Have The Technology” By Martin Harris On September 28, 1981, President Reagan received a letter from Major Ret. Colman VonKeviczky. VonKeviczky was the Director of the International UFO Galactic Spacecraft Research and Analytic Network (ICUFON). This group held […]
A new bill with bipartisan support has drawn the ire of the ACLU and others. By Celisa Calacal / AlterNet July 19, 2017, 1:23 PM GMT A growing number of Republicans and Democrats in Congress are backing a bill that would criminalize support for the international boycott against Israel, also […]
Wednesday, July 26, 2017 by: Mike Adams (Natural News) As the global warming narrative unravels under revelations of scientific fraud, data alteration and faked “hockey stick” data models, the fake news media remains suspiciously silent over the fact that NASA now confirms ocean levels have been falling for nearly two […]
SPUTNIK NEWS “Project MKUltra” was the name given to an illegal program of human experimentation conducted by the US Central Intelligence Agency, which investigated mind control. The 1975 Church Committee hearings exposed the operation – and on July 20, 1977 a Freedom of Information Act request uncovered a cache of […]
This is a little game called Join the Dots. Each one of these people were in The Craft. Many reached 33 degrees. US Presidents. George Washington, James Monroe, Andrew, Jackson, James Polk, James Buchanan, Andrew Johnson, James Garfield, William McKinley, Theodore Roosevelt, Howard Taft, Warren Harding, Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman, […]
Interesting and perceptive video from Jason A. Elon Musk’s comments are especially noteworthy as the year 2030 looms ever closer. Not so long ago this all seemed like science fiction.
While Uncensored is in the business of presenting sensational or controversial news items and topics, we do our utmost to check out everything that comes our way, and the old adage applies, that if it seems to good to be true, then it probably is. And don’t forget […]
Is fluoride bad for you? Should you be concerned about sodium fluoride being in your water or toothpaste? Learn why Sweden, Norway, Austria, Finland, China and more countries have banned fluoride. How did fluoride get approved for use in the United States and what are the health effects? Learn everything […]