Published on May 4, 2017 It is quite a thing to realize how much of our cultural world was invented by SciFi writers back in the day. Many of these fiction writers can be shown to be related to the Tavistock Institute. Aliens and UFOs are no different. While I […]
America’s Top Scientists Confirm: U.S. Goal Now Is to Conquer Russia Eric Zuesse The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists published a study, on 1 March 2017, which opened: The US nuclear forces modernization program has been portrayed to the public as an effort to ensure the reliability and safety of […]
North Korea says CIA sent lumberjack to assassinate Kim Jong-un with radioactive material at Day of the Sun parade North Korea has accused the CIA and South Korea of trying to assassinate Kim Jong-Un with a biochemical weapon. The secretive country made the astonishing claim today as tensions continue to […]
Cartels of the mind: the free individual returns May3 by Jon Rappoport Cartels of the Mind: the free individual returns by Jon Rappoport May 3, 2017 “Dominoes of the collective begin to fall. The whole rotting structure begins to collapse, a wing here and a wing there, and the robots open […] This guy’s story is going viral right now. My opinion: “Too good to be true” file; exercise discretion and caution. Maybe he’s the real deal, but these things usually turn out not to be what they seem. I intend doing some digging, and I suggest discerning viewers do likewise. […]
The Telegraph By Telegraph Reporters Russia ‘can launch tsunami against US with nuclear bombs buried in ocean’ A retired Russian colonel has made outlandish claims that Moscow has planted nuclear missiles off the east coast of America that could trigger a tsunami if detonated. The far-fetched plans were outlined by Viktor […]
Published on May 1, 2017 One of the latest blizzards on record in the western USA cancels the Global Warming protest march in Denver. All at the same time Al Gore now asks the world to give up another $15 Trillion to stop a 2C temperature rise. You’ve got to […]
How does this happen? Six years of grief for these families and it turns out rescue teams have been down there and taken footage and pictures. This kind of thing doesn’t stay under wraps, especially under the circumstances, without someone wanting to cover up. Radio NZ Report below:‘extraordinary-and-alarming’ © […]
…How many souls are there really in this world? Do we just take it for granted the figures are true? Some are asking and searching for themselves:
Trump Now A Captive Of The Deep State Paul Craig Roberts When the gullible and insouciant American public and the presstitutes who participate in the deceptions permitted the Deep State to get away with the fairy tale that a few Saudi Arabians under the direction of Osama bin Laden, […]