WHO are the people running the NSA & ATS? WHO do they report to? WHO funds them? Is the NSA the real president of the United States? Is the NSA the real president of the United States? By Jon Rappoport The US intelligence community continues its war to kick […]
By Lance Schuster https://www.theeventchronicle.com/cabal-exposed/breaking-474-arrested-california-child-trafficking-sting/ 474 people have been arrested in California in a 3 day sting operation called “Operation Reclaim and Rebuild.” Over 30 federal, state and local law enforcement agencies and task forces participated in the operation, which saved 28 children and 27 adults. “You are worthy of more. And […]
Nationalism, Globalism, Empire, and the vision of self-sufficiency Jan24 by Jon Rappoport Nationalism, Globalism, Empire, and the vision of self-sufficiency by Jon Rappoport January 24, 2017 Nationalism is not Empire. Nationalism is solving problems at home. Globalism is the non-partisan effort to immerse nations in a regional and planetary management […]
According to a new interview Wikileaks envoy Craig Murray and former British ambassador stated the he personally flew to the United States and was handed both the DNC emails and the Podesta emails. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fyDJzuAi2dU
From ghost hacked, https://thecontrail.com/forum/topics/the-trump-card?xg_source=activity Guy is already making waves couple days into his role as POTUS. https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/donald-trump-trade-nafta-1.3947989 https://www.cnn.com/2017/01/23/politics/trans-pacific-partnership-tr… CNN)President Donald Trump on Monday will start to unravel the behemoth trade deal he inherited from his predecessor, as he signed an executive action to withdraw from the negotiating process of the […]
Great article. This guy has it sussed: “Know thine enemy”! By Brandon Smith In my last article, ‘How Globalists Predict Your Behavior’, I outlined the primary method globalists use to measure public consent, or, public dissent. The use of macro-analytics and the hyper-monitoring of Web traffic is a powerful tool […]
12 million pages of declassified CIA files are now available online for everyone to view January 20, 201712:24pm Conspiracy theorists would be having a field day, with the CIA sharing 12 million pages of declassified documents online. Pictures: National Archives. Matthew Dunnnews.com.au@mattydunn11 FOR 17 years, the US Army’s “Project Stargate” […]
Legislation on Fluoridation 2017 Legislation was introduced to Parliament on the 17th November 2016. This Legislation will shift responsibility from the local councils and give it to the District Health Boards. It is designed to make it virtually impossible to stop fluoridation in currently fluoridated areas, or to keep […]
Flight MH370: Another search still possible, Australia says 3 hours ago From the section Asia https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-38659580 Image copyright EPA Image caption A massive search operation was launched after the plane vanished Malaysia plane Will debris solve MH370 mystery? 6 August 2015 The MH370 relatives still searching 7 August 2015 Video […]
https://theintercept.com/2017/01/11/the-deep-state-goes-to-war-with-president-elect-using-unverified-claims-as-dems-cheer/ The Deep State Goes to War With President-Elect, Using Unverified Claims, as Democrats Cheer Glenn Greenwald 2017-01-11T14:35:34+00:00 Photo: Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images In January 1961, Dwight Eisenhower delivered his farewell address after serving two terms as U.S. president; the five-star general chose to warn Americans of this specific threat to […]