Even now, the MSM still plays the “With Covid” versus “Of Covid” game. Here’s a great video showing how it works. Great to hear MSM rebel Barry Soper asking the tough questions at the press conference. MH From: CoronavirusPlushie Published May 7, 2022 My longer video about this: Inflating the COVID-19 Death […]
Hypothetically Assuming the Mainstream is Correct Donald JeffriesMay 10 This column will be a bit different. Let’s suppose for just a second that all the professional “journalists,” and tenured professors, and court historians, and sycophantic politicians, have it right. People like me are crazed “conspiracy theorists” who recklessly peddle disinformation […]
A superb presentation that covers the entire timeline from planning the “plandemic” to the Ukraine invasion. I’ve just posted the intro here as it needs to be viewed in original format at the link to truly appreciate! Martin From Letmetellyouwhy.uk I believe I have a moral obligation to tell you […]
Is someone using a code? The following is a brief excerpt from a blog-in-progress, and thus part of a bigger picture. I felt it worthy of posting as readers may wish to pursue this matter for themselves. This is just a sample of numerous “88” references with regards Ukraine, and […]
A scheme to send US weapons to Ukraine, using the “lend-lease” formula pioneered during WWII to skirt neutrality laws, was officially approved by Congress this week. However, it was put together all the way back in January – more than a month before Moscow recognized the Donbass republics as independent and sent […]
Lt. Col. Thomas Bearden has passed away, and his website has been deactivated, or taken down! His company, energetic productions, sent this DVD to me directly, unsolicited, with a hand written note: “Michael, Wasn’t sure if you had seen THIS ONE of Tom’s—- Tahri Energetic Productions 1988 lecture about Russian […]
Why won’t environmentalists admit how great things are? By Lushington D. Brady In an episode of their series Bullshit, magician-sceptics Penn and Teller make a confession of sorts: they show a photo of themselves at the first Earth Day in 1970. Back then, they say, they genuinely believed there was an environmental crisis […]
MUST WATCH 2016 documentary. Educate yourself on the history behind current events in the Ukraine situation. Some VERY eye-opening revelations. Especially take note at 46:12 for the talk about then-vice president Joe Biden. And as usual, the involvement of George Soros.
Just coincidence folks. Nothing to see here, don’t ask questions. Move along…MH Tyler DurdenZeroHedgeSat, 23 Apr 202 The bodies of two Russian oligarchs were found dead alongside their wives and children just one day apart, according to a handful of media reports. The first was Vladislav Avayev, formerly vice president of Gazprombank. […]
When Ashley Bloomfield and two other top Ministry of Health executives all resigned on the same day, a great many people wondered why that was. Well, now the truth bombs are starting to drop. by Cam Slater, the BFD It seems the most open and transparent government ever has been trying […]