Well, you can’t say you weren’t warned. I’m not going to waste any breath. There’s nothing to say that hasn’t already been said. Martin has no comment…
The World Health Organization describes its job as “the global guardian of health.” There’s nothing religious about that. So why did a photo surface of a meeting in 2019 of World Health Organisation officials with the Hindu god Shiva dancing in the background? by Jo Blogs Red Sky In The […]
Well, to tell the truth… Police being defunded, and stood down. Rioters paid and legally protected. Business owners closed and jailed. China Virus causing shut downs. Rent payments suspended. High unemployment. Violent drug related crimes. A destroyed economy. Corrupt political animals blocking stimuli packages. Major Inner City devastations in Dem […]
The healthcare program Tricare at the United States Department of Defense Military Health System falsely told more than 600,000 people they had been infected with the novel coronavirus, according to the Daily Wire. Turns out they had never been tested. From Pam Vernon, EWR MyLegalHelpUSA The healthcare program Tricare at the United […]
Some thirty countries have taken the opportunity of The Chinese Virus to attack Christian Churches. by G Squared 8/8/20 Roberts, ultimately responsible for Rosemary Collyer’s behaviour of approving the Illegal and fraudulent Carter Page Warrants, has had further legalised epiphanies from on high. He voted 5-4 to allow casinos to […]
But is it real? After we’ve reviewed this footage there is good reason to suspect a hoax. Consider the following: Why are these videos shown in negative-image format? Where is the original footage? Nobody goes about filming in negative-image mode The missile is approx. 10 – 12 stories long (100 […]
Welcome back to #NewWorldNextWeek — the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. By The Corbett Report This week: Story #1: State Attorneys General Urge U.S. to Let Other Firms Make Gilead COVID-19 Drug Red Flags Soar As […]
As NZ’s government ramps up for “COVID 20”, they do a sudden U-Turn on face mask advice. by Martin Harris 6/8/20 Why? Previous advice steered away from mask use based on sound evidence. We’ve presented plenty of good solid scientific information here at at Uncensored that backs up Ashley Bloomfield’s […]
The night is long and the price is high. Jon Rappoport – No More Fake News Aug 4, 2020 I imagine Trump stepping up to a microphone saying, “Yes, the GDP just dropped through the floor, and the economy is a wreck, but here’s the good news. Operation War Seed, […]
“Why are social media company employees with no medical degree or clinical experience censoring the perspectives of practicing physicians?” Sott.netTue, 04 Aug 2020 Dr. Simone Gold, a board certified emergency physician who was recently fired after 20 years as an emergency room physician for participating in the America’s Frontline Doctors […]