The world’s largest airline trade group has called for “immunity passports”, thermal screening, masks, and physical distancing to be a part of the industry’s strategy for returning to “normal” operations. By Derrick Broze, The Last American Vagabond The International Air Transport Association (IATA), which represents 299 airlines, recently issued their publication, Biosecurity for […]

One brave MP stands up for freedom! “A bill which effectively gives one person enormous powers…will impact New Zealander’s lives in ways I suspect they can barely comprehend…to use fear…blackmail…when human societies lose their freedom it’s not because some tyrant has taken it away, it’s usually because people willingly surrender […]

the Sun’ Is this man going for Evil Genius Of The Year award or something? Gates now involved in geoengineering?! MH Date: May 18, 2020 Author: Nwo Report Source: A leading climatologist has slammed Bill Gates’ plan to spray chemicals above the Earth’s surface in order to “dim the sun” and “fix global warming” […]

The state of Massachusetts has authorized an NGO named PIH which is connected to child abduction and pedophilia trafficking in Haiti via the Clinton Foundation, to operate in the state as a Contact Tracing organization. Joaquin Flores – Fort-Russ May 16, 2020 PIH is a Clinton-Soros backed non profit that has been awarded […]

Is China’s dominance just smoke and mirrors? Very interesting discussion points in this video! Oslo Freedom Forum Kyle Bass, founder of Hayman Capital Management and expert on the US-China financial relationship, talks with Melissa Chen, New York editor of Spectator USA and founder of Ideas Beyond Borders, about why China’s […]
