You really want to see this one. Can you believe a boy dies 4 times in 4 different countries? Apparently the UK Government does. MH original here :… Evening Standard 63.1K subscribers Subscribe to the Evening Standard on YouTube:… Health Secretary Matt Hancock has announced new procedures so […]

I’ll keep this short and sweet and to the point. Logic will prevail. by Martin Harris 18/4.2020 There has been considerable speculation from the very start of the SARS-cov 2 outbreak, based on sound thinking and circumstantial evidence, that the source of virus was not the Wuhan wet-food market, but […]

…And much, much more from China and around the world in this astoundingly honest and soberly presented NTD news report. NTD was founded in 2001 by Falun Gong practitioners, with its mission being to offer “uncensored news” about China that state-controlled media would not cover. The station has a regular focus on the promotion […]

Brilliant work from the supercharged mind of Ben Vidgen! 5G is not responsible for Covid 19. Nature and Man is all Hidden Figures – a numbers Game. An idea that 5G pop up don’t match the major cluster which exceed the areas where 5G has popped up.On the surface a […]

DARPA, Biowarfare, COVID-19 and more: The latest communication from Jeff Wefferson: “. . . As long ago as 1962, forty scientists were employed at the U.S. Army biological warfare laboratories on full-time genetics research. ‘Many others,’ it was said, ‘appreciate the implications of genetics for their own work.’ The […]

With the combination of ideological malcontents not allowing any crisis to go to waste, and the goodies always being hidden for release at times of major-distraction sporting events or on the eve of weekends, or holiday periods, the flood is seeping forth. by G Squared 11/4/20 Bioethicist and Oncologist (a […]
