LEARN WHY the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has lied, is lying, and will continue to lie to protect its regime, and how it has been attempting to deceive, infiltrate, and dominate the world. Martin comments: A documentary that pulls no punches: The CCP Method serves as a catalyst for the […]
Neil Ferguson, the man in the middle of this hoax? He’s Neil Ferguson: the ghost in the machine. Jon Rappoportmalagabay.wordpress.comThu, 30 Apr 2020 20:07 UTC Why do governments salute when he predicts a pandemic and tells them to lock down their countries? Does anyone care about his past? Why does he […]
I recently received correspondence containing the following “evaluation” of the COVID19 scenario, which reaches the conclusion that “All roads lead to China” as being the culprit in the deliberate spread of SARS-cov 2 as an act of sabotage upon Western economies. In other words, an act of assymetric warfare. I […]
History matters. by Jon Rappoport April 20, 2020 If the World Health Organization (WHO) deceived the world into fear and panic THEN, in 2003, why should you believe them NOW re COVID, when both instances involve epidemics? As some readers will recall, in 2003 the World Health Organization (WHO) put […]
“Together At Home” was touted as a virtual concert organized by Lady Gaga. But it was much more than that. It was about countless celebrities repeating specific messages while promoting specific elite organizations. Here’s a look at the true message of “Together At Home”. Vigilant Citizen – April 21, 2020 […]
In 2010,The Rockefeller Foundation published a report which contained a portrayal of four hypothetical “near future” geopolitical scenarios. One of these scenarios, titled The Lock Step Narrative, sounds spine-chillingly familiar. by Martin Harris 21/4/2020 I will provide both a link to the report and screenshots of the relevant portions. The […]
“The looming food shortages remind me of Soylent Green; the drones remind me of Robocop. Both movies are dystopian, and I don’t want to live in either of them.“ by Michael Prescottmichaelprescott.typepad.comMon, 13 Apr 2020 In a comments thread, I recommended a Twitter feed by a contrarian journalist named Alex Berenson, who’s covering […]
The video was released on Good Friday. by Fabrizio Bulleri April 13, 2020 https://reclaimthenet.org/ Microsoft’s new mixed reality headset, the HoloLens 2, was featured in a commercial and campaign starring artist Marina Abramović, who is known for promoting and practicing arts such as Spirit Cooking. 73-year-old Abramović is one of the […]
You really want to see this one. Can you believe a boy dies 4 times in 4 different countries? Apparently the UK Government does. MH original here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DLYJA… Evening Standard 63.1K subscribers Subscribe to the Evening Standard on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7RQ… Health Secretary Matt Hancock has announced new procedures so […]
I’ll keep this short and sweet and to the point. Logic will prevail. by Martin Harris 18/4.2020 There has been considerable speculation from the very start of the SARS-cov 2 outbreak, based on sound thinking and circumstantial evidence, that the source of virus was not the Wuhan wet-food market, but […]