COVID-19 has fundamentally changed life as we know it, and it’s more than likely that our future will be a dystopian one given how various governments have already responded to this viral outbreak. Andrew KorybkoOne WorldTue, 24 Mar 2020 00:00 UTC © Quora/KJN The skeptics among us are fearful that […]
The real concern isn’t what’s happening now, it’s what comes next. Thanks to Jo for this well researched blog. Please be sure to check out her site for more good work. MH We’ve just gone into lock down in New Zealand where we have to stay at home. While I […]
“Invasion”: Why did they order the tapes erased? By Martin Harris 24/3/20 Malcolm Hulke was a successful, and much admired, writer for television, radio, cinema and the theatre from the 1950s through to the late 1970s. He wrote for Armchair Theatre, The Avengers, Crossroads and Dr Who… It is less […]
Hands up: Who saw this coming? MH March 21, 2020 By John Vibes In the months since the CoViD-19 pandemic began, governments around the world have been utilizing a wide range of technological devices to enforce quarantines. Advanced surveillance and tracking have been made possible by cellphone data, CCTV cameras, […]
Judicial Watch today released 80 pages of new emails recently found by the FBI that further document how former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton used her unsecure, non-government email to transmit classified and other sensitive government information. Judicial WatchFri, 20 Mar 2020 04:56 UTC The documents include 11 new Clinton […]
Anakin Skywalker’s transformation to Darth Vader has nothing on Ardern A dramatic transformation in NZ’s Prime Minister. From the vibrant, smiling Lady In White of 2017’s campaign (who was actually compared to Princess Leia of Star Wars, see above!), to the Dark Lady we have now. No further words necessary. […]
Snuck through under the radar: Horrific NZ Abortion Amendment Act. Thanks to JoBloggz for sharing this blog While the rest of the world’s governments are dealing with Covid-19, the NZ government pushed through the Abortion Amendment Act a priority. It’s an extreme abortion bill that there’s no public mandate for […]
Absurdity beyond belief. This is madness. I’m off for a spot of cycling. Hope the cop-chopper doesn’t follow me! MH (And note that one can leave one’s home once per day, which means choosing between exercise or a trip to get essential groceries). Received from Pam Vernon at EWR: from […]
“Thousand Points of Light. I never quite got that one. What the hell is that? Has anyone ever figured that one out?” President DJ Trump, 2018 Well, Mr.President, let me explain. by Martin Harris 20/3/20 An Occult Phrase with layers of meaning The Olympic Games always seems to incorporate an […]
“.. this hoax is bigger than any before, a massive display of power. The people behind this cattle drive are not virologists, but rather people in industry, Intelligence and government who have the power to crash markets, shut down travel, and force sports teams to play to empty stadiums. I […]