Today, the German armed forces (Bundeswehr) along with NATO forces are training for upheavals this fall – in Germany and likely in other major European cities. Peter KoenigGlobal ResearchSat, 03 Sep 2022 The German Government is preparing for a Military Regime for all eventualities. German leaders fear uprisings and they […]
The buck stops at the top, and the Prime Minister must explain why her Ministers didn’t fess up about the Government stuff up that put Northland into an eleven-day, $30 million lockdown. David SeymourACT Party Leader via theBFD The Prime Minister must explain whether she knew what Grant Robertson was told […]
A “Must Read” article By Dr Muriel Newman, a perfect response to the Stuff propaganda documentary “Fire and Fury” (denigrating the Freedom protests) to share with your misinformed friends. MH Posted on September 3, 2022By Dr Muriel Newman In her post Cabinet press conference of 11 October 2021, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern explained, […]
It is clear that many are now waking up to the realisation that much of the Government narrative on the pandemic was wrong and that many of the COVID-19 preventive measures did more harm than good. Dr. Rachel NicollDaily ScepticWed, 31 Aug 2022 Both candidates for U.K. Prime Minister have […]
“Conspiracy Theorists” is what they called us. “Witch Doctors” they said. Laughed about people using “Horse Paste” with Ivermectin it in, to treat COVID. HAL TURNER 30 AUGUST 2022 Well, well, well . . . today, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) lists Ivermectin on their official web site as an […]
Some days it is just painful. From NZTSOS via FreeNZ Author: Kassandra It’s tough to get out of bed, to pretend to my kids that everything is OK, and that our country is a safe and fair place to live. I cannot count the times when I have completely melted […]
NZDSOS has been fighting the spin and misinformation from our government and MSM throughout the Covid scenario and continues to shine a light. Here’s content from their latest newsletter. I urge Uncensored readers to consider subscribing. MH Dear Martin We Know that They Know It has been an event-filled week […]
(Natural News) Once again, the independent media called this out well in advance, warning that President Trump was walking right into a trap by promoting Covid vaccines and taking credit for rolling them out so quickly via Operation Warp Speed. Thursday, August 25, 2022 by: Mike AdamsThis article may contain statements that […]
The very fact that TVNZ has gone to such lengths to hunt down and censor our publications shows how TERRIFIED they are of people who can think for themselves and question The Narrative. NOTE: This item was originally posted 4/1/22 and has been reposted due to popular demand. Martin Very […]
For months on end, Government institutions have claimed they do not hold any data on deaths by vaccination status. But they have been lying to you. The ExposeFri, 19 Aug 2022 On the 6th July, a UK Government institution known as the Office for National Statistics, published a dataset on […]