Once again, not a peep from the MSM, but elsewhere this is going viral. Here’s a report from The Daily Wire: Video Of Swedish Company’s Covid Passport Microchip, Implanted In Hand, Goes Viral A Swedish company is making headlines by calling to mind a nightmarish image for Christians around the world. […]
Japan’s ministry of health is taking a sensible, ethical approach to Covid vaccines. They recently labeled the vaccines with a warning about myocarditis and other risks. They also reaffirmed their commitment to adverse event reporting to document potential side-effects. BY AARON KHERIATY DECEMBER 14, 2021 Japan’s ministry of health states: “Although we encourage all […]
Sometime during October last year, Grant Robertson allegedly signed a negotiated contract with Pfizer for vaccine supply. The content of this contract remains secret and the government has refused to release its terms after OIA requests. However, some Pfizer vaccine supply contracts from other countries have been leaked. Guy David […]
With billions of Pfizer COVID shots having been mandated by governments and administered to citizens around the world, there have of course been millions of adverse events that have occurred. A group of scientists have sent a FOIA request to the FDA to ascertain the approval process of Pfizer’s COVID […]
Image supplied by Brian Cattermole, Natural Health Practitioner and a friend and supporter of Uncensored from way back. Pleasure to meet you at the Freedom and Rights Christmas party sir! Martin
This story of Maddie de Garay is why… a) young children should not be vaccinated with drugs that haven’t been subjected to long term testing in adults and are proven to be safe b) drug companies should not be trusted to carry out trials on their own drugs given the […]
The following statement from NZ Human Rights Chief Commissioner Paul Hunt, was communicated to protestors at the Wellington Freedom and Rights Coalition march on December 16 2021 after receiving feedback from FRC representatives and a meeting with Destiny Church leader Brian Tamaki. December 16, 2021 By Paul Hunt, Chief Human […]
More mainstream medical data to dispel the “pandemic of the unvaccinated” political narrative. Share with your skeptical friends. Here’s a vital excerpt: Interpretation The sole reliance on vaccination as a primary strategy to mitigate COVID-19 and its adverse consequences needs to be re-examined, especially considering the Delta (B.1.617.2) variant and the […]
A 12-year-old boy was reportedly told by his peers to kill himself because he wasn’t jabbed and “will kill others.” THIS is where it leads. Take note. Martin Kennedy HallFort RussSat, 11 Dec 2021 The blame game continues against the unvaccinated and it is affecting many lives and relationships. You […]
There are a number of “fact checks” out there addressing conclusions and statements on Social Media relating to this screenshot. But nevertheless the screenshot IS real and not doctored or Photoshopped. We include some links so you can do your own research and form your own conclusions. The only advice […]