Alarming News. In Germany (according to report) the Parliament (Bundestag) ratified on 29 January 2021, the implementation of Agenda ID2020. This is a centralized general electronic data collection of every citizen to which every government agency, police – and possibly also the private sector would have access. By Peter Koenig Global Research, February 03, […]
Microsoft founder Bill Gates is pushing drastic and ‘fundamental’ changes to the economy in order to immediately halt the release of greenhouse gasses – primarily carbon dioxide – and ‘go to zero’ in order to save the planet from long-prognosticated (and consistently wrong) environmental disaster. By Tyler Durden Changes we’ll need […]
“No man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is 666.” Revelation 17:13 If you thought the information relating to Biblical references […]
Superb article from Jo Blogs highlights the international scale of the vaccine agenda and the role of the media in silencing questioners and opposition. MH by Jo Blogs Red Sky In The Morning On the day Jacinda Ardern announced that the Pfizer vaccine had now been approved for use in […]
Coincidence or prophecy fulfilled? Make up your own mind, but you can’t have failed to notice the mounting Biblical references and analogies surrounding the “plandemic”. Judging by views here at Uncensored, the topic of the Luciferase “COVID vaccine tattoo” and the wearable tracking/tracing technology Patent WO 060606 has certainly captured […]
Read with discernment, “think for your self”…. From Jeff Wefferson I’ve looked into prions a lot lately after a bunch of fruit-pickers from Vanuatu stayed where I was. I got creepy vibes and smelled and saw ears boiling on the stove. I looked into it and saw that Vanuatu has […]
Two contrasting Mainstream Media sources: One champions free and critical thought, the other promotes blind faith in authority. Martin Harris 12/2/21 I often listen to radio talkback show Magic Talk ZB and particularly enjoy host Peter Williams: Controversial and thought provoking, questioning and critical, just as the media, mainstream or […]
Stating the obvious? Perhaps the obvious is in dire need of re-stating! Martin A paper published in January raised the possibility that the pandemic could make some people more susceptible to chronic conditions and diseases, including asthma and obesity. Elizabeth PayneOttawa CitizenMon, 01 Feb 2021 The good news is that […]
Confirms what we suspected. We are being harvested for our DNA. Back in 2017, we posted an item highlighting the CCP’s collecting of biometric data, including DNA samples, of citizens in Xinjiang, as usual these “guinea pigs” were Uighur Muslims. China Collecting Biometric Data From Every Citizen In Xinjiang » […]
NOTE FROM JEFF: This post contains a great amount of leading-edge information on Agenda CO2-vid 19/21, history of big pharma, origins of ‘conspiracy theory’, the vax: what’s in it for you…comprehensive “The Earth metabolizes, its charges and discharges parallel to the fluctuations of biological life and human culture…the cyclic patterns […]