Censorship always hardens attitudes; it does not change minds. Dr.Malcolm KendrickDr.Malcolm Kendrick OrgTue, 17 Nov 2020 The COVID19 pandemic has thrown into sharp relief the concerns that a number of people have about vaccination. However, such is the eagerness to develop a vaccine, and get everyone to take it, that authorities […]
The following excerpt is highly informative. The whole blog was somewhat overly fundamentalist-religious for my taste, but the link is included to the full article for those interested. Martin. The person who made the video embedded below explains that we must read the packaging of this vaccine, and although many words are […]
Masks cover the faces of criminals, and we are dealing with criminals. By Judge Anna von Reitz | Big Lake, Alaska There are tons of data points and research studies telling us that the cloth masks that people are wearing are ineffective as a barrier to viruses. There are more […]
New name, same agenda. TPPA is now CTTP. Ben Vidgen brings us up to speed: By Ben Vidgen “the Dyslexic Detective” Malaysia is hosting the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Economic Leaders’ Meeting on Nov 20. The USA joining the TPPA (now called CPTPP investment provisions) is expected to be on the agenda. […]
The WEF says the public will ‘rent’ everything they require: stripping the right of ownership under the guise of ‘sustainable consumption’ and ‘saving the planet’. Of course, the tiny elite who rolled out this great reset will own everything. Hundreds of millions around the world deemed ‘surplus to requirements’ are […]
Is it just me, or does Biden look younger? Maybe it’s the latest round of plastic surgery, or has he been hitting the Adrenochrome? Two weeks ago he was appearing fully masked AND with dark glasses. His muffled words required subtitles. About as charismatic as a shop-window dummy. Then comes […]
“While the lockdown is extreme, it was absolutely necessary following a recent surge in people not getting infected…” planetmoron Nov 6th, 2020 You might be wondering if this is this the same United Kingdom that was the birthplace of John Locke and Adam Smith, home of the Magna Carta, and crucible […]
Parisians caught fleeing the city in ‘dystopian’ scenes: 700 kilometer traffic jam! Sky News Australia It is “dystopian and deeply disturbing” the way in which people are fleeing Paris en masse as the country heads into another widespread mass lockdown, according to Sky News host Rowan Dean. Parisians have been […]
This insightful interview of Dr Simon Thornley of Auckland University again shows that there are good reasons for us in this country to question authority and then furnished with new, rigorous evidence – chart our own course. Our Planet via PamVernon EWR During the COVID lockdown crises, NZ as a country […]
How did they pull it off? Gary Sidley explains in detail: Gary SidleyCoronababbleFri, 23 Oct 2020 Introduction The British public’s widespread compliance with the Government’s draconian diktats has arguably been the most remarkable aspect of the coronavirus crisis. The unprecedented restrictions on our basic freedoms – in the form of […]