Who cares? But let’s take look anyhow… by Martin Harris 28/9/2020 WHO says 2 million coronavirus deaths is ‘not impossible’ as world approaches 1 million It’s “not impossible” that the coronavirus death toll could double if countries don’t uniformly work to suppress the virus’ spread, the World Health Organization said […]
Government says there is no conflict of interest Source: Steve Watson | Infowars.com The UK’s Chief Scientific Adviser Sir Patrick Vallance has hundreds of thousands of pounds worth of shares in a company that has been contracted to develop a coronavirus vaccine for the government, a report has revealed. The Telegraph […]
Covid masks are a potent symbol of the West’s headlong flight from Enlightenment values Peter HitchensThe Critic MagazineSat, 26 Sep 2020 The long retreat of law, reason and freedom has now turned into a rout. It was caused by many things: the mob hysteria which flowered after the death of […]
Boy Have I Got a Deal for You! By Juana Atkins -September 25, 2020 The BFD Never has the saying “truth is stranger than fiction” rung more true. BFD’s Believe it or Not. The following lump sums of cash were paid out by Ardern’s government from theArts Continuity Grant, a COVID-19 response […]
Making a vaccine look like it’s a champion isn’t difficult for public health agencies. There are a number of strategies. by Jon Rappoport September 22, 2020 Of course, these fraudulent strategies would be serious crimes. But when has that stopped the CDC or the World Health Organization? In no particular […]
Once upon a time, there was something called science. It included the discovery of truth about nature, the elements, the universe, etc. It was practiced by honest and accountable practitioners called scientists and engineers. They often invented cool new things as a result of their studies, but generally they had […]
With much of Europe struggling to contain a second wave of coronavirus infections, a Danish professor has claimed that the pandemic “may be finished” in Sweden, thanks to herd immunity. RTSat, 19 Sep 2020 Sweden recorded 224 cases of Covid-19 on Thursday, a number roughly on par with daily new infections […]
Treason is a strong word. Is it justified regarding the COVID 19 agenda? Kiwi4Justice examines the case. MH By Kiwi4Justice via EWRThese are unprecedented times in history around the world and in New Zealand right now. Deeply troubling things occurring that just make no rational sense. Is there something else […]
Have you got questions about this so-called pandemic? One of our early questions was “how is a pandemic defined?” We went to the WHO website expecting to find it and couldn’t find a definition! by Jo Blogs Red Sky In The Morning Why wasn’t there a definition? Without guidelines, isn’t it […]
Update 17/9/20 : Li-Meng Yan suspended from Twitter (see video) MH “ The striking finding of EcoRI and BstEII restriction sites at either end of the SARS-CoV-2 RBM, respectively, and the fact that the same RBM region has been swapped both by Dr. Shi and by her long-term collaborator, respectively, using […]