A foreign policy think tank more secretive than Bilderberg has included both instrumental architects of the “War of Terror” and accusations of CIA funding By Rachel Blevins – September 5, 2017 Bilderberg has gained a reputation as the world’s most secretive group of billionaires and political leaders who conspire to […]

By Makia Freeman Contributing writer for Wake Up World Total Individual Control Technology is a type of EM (Electromagnetic) and V2K (Voice to Skull) mind-control technology that is being experimented with and deployed by the military industrial complex against segments of the American population. Total Individual Control Technology is the ultimate weapon of […]

Antony Sutton, Skull&Bones, Hitler, the Bush family by Jon Rappoport August 27, 2017 The prodigious author and researcher, Antony Sutton (1925-2002), wrote about hidden men behind momentous events. I recently came across a 1999 interview with Sutton, conducted by Kris Millegan, researcher and head of TrineDay publishers. Millegan wrote about […]
