By Makia Freeman Contributing writer for Wake Up World Total Individual Control Technology is a type of EM (Electromagnetic) and V2K (Voice to Skull) mind-control technology that is being experimented with and deployed by the military industrial complex against segments of the American population. Total Individual Control Technology is the ultimate weapon of […]
Corporate Corruption
Watch for your plastic goods to get a whole lot more expensive guys. Some might find an agenda here possibly? It will be interesting to see the long term effects of this. Is it merely a “speed bump” or will it forever impact our reliance on plastics. No doubt environmentalists […]
Antony Sutton, Skull&Bones, Hitler, the Bush family by Jon Rappoport August 27, 2017 The prodigious author and researcher, Antony Sutton (1925-2002), wrote about hidden men behind momentous events. I recently came across a 1999 interview with Sutton, conducted by Kris Millegan, researcher and head of TrineDay publishers. Millegan wrote about […]
Exploring the Shadows of America’s Security State Or How I Learned Not to Love Big Brother By Alfred W. McCoy [This piece has been adapted and expanded from the introduction to Alfred W. McCoy’s new book, In the Shadows of the American Century: The Rise and Decline of U.S….] (Book […]
“Thought big companies got to the top by being nice? This video might make you think again, starting with IBM.”
Hilary Clinton has lost it even further. Her Secret Service Detail Logs have been appropriately disseminated. After all, she doesn’t know the difference between ‘confidential’ and ‘open source’. SS now want the ‘Hardship Bonus’, and limited two month rotation shifts, to work with her. Apart from the extraordinary fact that […]
Social network giant lobbies to prevent state limits on facial recognition By Jared Bennett 5:00 am, July 31, 2017 Updated: 3:00 pm, August 1, 2017 Facebook is working on advanced facial recognition technology to identify users by creating digital faceprints. The company has begun lobbying state legislatures feverishly to protect its […]
With Thanks to Pam Vernon of envirowatchrangitikei: From Earlier this month, it was reported that less than two weeks before the economic collapse of 2008, several members of Congress took their money out of the stock market. Many high ranking government employees were given a heads-up about the […] Alex Baird – Newshub – Saturday, 12 August 2017 OPINION: Did we really just give the green light for 50 million tonnes of south Taranaki’s iron ore-rich seabed to be torn up every year, for the next 35 years? Yes, we did. Well, you may not have, but our […]
By Liberty Posted on August 7, 2017 The push toward a cashless society is becoming more of a shove. Michael Snyder, Economic Collapse Blog Waking Times The push toward a cashless society is becoming more of a shove. Before today I had never heard of “The Visa Cashless Challenge”, but after […]