Trump Now A Captive Of The Deep State Paul Craig Roberts When the gullible and insouciant American public and the presstitutes who participate in the deceptions permitted the Deep State to get away with the fairy tale that a few Saudi Arabians under the direction of Osama bin Laden, […]
Corporate Corruption
The MSM Comedy Hour never ends. Murdoch just advised that Fox News is doing great. While down at CNN they ran footage of Chinese soldiers, in Chinese uniforms, with Chinese weapons, boarding a Chinese helicopter, and said they were American Marines. They have Fact Checkers as well as armies of […]
Open Source Intelligence vs. Spying Intel A great platform for providing unfiltered, unbiased information throughout society in an effort to return the power back to the people! Synopsis: In order to get the word out to a greater audience, Mr Steele has again invited everyone to […]
Thanks to Saru G at for the heads up. Water is rapidly becoming the new oil:
Want to understand the Deep State? Here is your Deep, Deep State Apr13 by Jon Rappoport Want to understand Deep State? Here is your Deep, Deep State by Jon Rappoport April 13, 2017 Men behind the curtain? Men who control the government and its policies from the outside? Men who have […]
Empty Vessels and Loud Noises As soon as America perpetrated its cowboy act, on the back of The False Flag it had instigated, it knew there was a problem. Which was the reason Tillerson was immediately dispatched to Moscow. If what America was saying were true, the Lavrov meeting […]
A scenario reminiscent of Western Business interests dealing with Nazi Germany (Prescott Bush, remember?). It remains unclear how much of this is actually endorsed or officially tolerated by Chinese government, but it does seem logical that North Korea relies heavily on foreign supply for it’s weapons manufacturing. One thing of […]
From Pam Vernon at Envirowatchrangetikei: 12-year-old bedridden, paralyzed after HPV vaccine-PLUS watch ‘The Truth About Vaccines’ screening now April 14, 2017 Pam Vernon The track record on this vaccine (Gardasil) just keeps getting worse. Please do watch the series screening right now called ‘The Truth About Vaccines’ at […]
Every time I switch on the TV it’s obvious as far as I’m concerned. Even the News is becoming dumber and trashier. Opinions, people? George Soros Backed Jared Kushner Venture Cadre With $250 Million It turns out that George Soros is the money behind a new real estate venture called Cadre which was founded by Donald Trump’s son in law Jared Kushner and his brother Joshua Kushner. The Real Deal has uncovered the […]