8 Aug 16 TO READ the FULL Articles, go to the links at the top of each one https://sitsshow.blogspot.com/2016/05/Who-Really-Owns-and-Controls-the-Military-Industrial-Complex-and-What-Are-They-Doing-An-Extensive-Research-Report.html Wednesday, May 11, 2016 Who Really Owns and Controls the Military-Industrial Complex and What Are They Doing? – An Extensive Research Report The following report is an extremely detailed and extensive […]
Corporate Corruption
This new video from Brian Thiesen is quite literally explosive information which every homeowner needs to know. So-called “smart” meters have caused thousands of fires and explosions — such as this fire on Wednesday in Ontario. But corrupt politics and money have swept the whole thing under the rug. Brian now explains how and why this is all occurring, including […]
Yesterday Wikileaks posted a near-ready investment chapter of the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) dated January 20. It shows the Government has not listened to New Zealanders opposing special rights for foreign investors and their enforcement in controversial, private, offshore tribunals. Nor has it protected the New Zealand Government’s right […]
Here’s a lesson for lobbyists: eating your words is a lot safer than drinking the poison you help sell. Watch video here
Kia Ora! Hello! Talofa! Hola! Bonjour! Namaste! Invite your friends, whanau and workmates to be an accomplice with you THIS SATURDAY March 7 to voice your opposition to the planet being treated like a global monopoly board game to make real the psychopathic world domination plots of the super-rich. Around […]
As one bizarre episode in the unceasing War on Terror piles on another, it is hard to avoid the dismaying truth that the entire situation has become pathological.
Israel has granted a U.S. company the first license to explore for oil and gas in the occupied Golan Heights, John Reed of the Financial Times reports. A local subsidiary of the New York-listed company Genie Energy — which is advised by former vice president Dick Cheney and whose shareholders include […]
“My assessment is that 90% of the value of the US dollar comes from the US military.” — Former Assistant Housing Secretary Catherine Austin Fitts For decades, America has used its armed strength to enforce the use of the dollar as the world’s reserve currency, effectively making the US military […]
Wow — over 5000 of us have demanded our political leaders reject the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP). Big business won’t give up on their dreams-come-true trade treaty easily, so they will be lobbying our political leaders hard to make sure they get their way. We need to make sure our leaders […]