African farmers’ movements and civil society groups have rejected the G8’s New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition as part of a “new wave of colonialism” targeting their food systems for corporate profit. The warning comes in a statement sent to G8 leaders today (3 June 2013) in advance of […]
Corporate Corruption
In a dramatic public statement, Chile’s former chief negotiator for the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement (TPPA) Rodrigo Contreras has urged fellow Latin American countries to work together to defend their interests against the demands of rich countries in the talks Contreras warned that unless they held back those demands the TPPA […]
Last year an 18-year-old named Navruz Muyzinov was beaten to death by police in Uzbekistan. His only crime: getting sick and leaving the cotton-field where he was working before he met his cotton-picking quota.
Ever wonder why those same obnoxious, arrogant and infrequent users just happen to appear on the heels of very controversial posts like clock-work? They monitor, wait and then pounce of the same topics to emotionalize and antagonize legitimate users on social networking and thousands of other websites. Whether it be […]
On the very same day that Oxfam released a report highlighting disturbing labour and environmental issues on Philippine banana plantations, Dole has agreed to discontinue use of its “Ethical Choice” label and withdraw its application to trademark the term. Executive Director of Oxfam New Zealand, Barry Coates, said, “We welcome […]
Japanese authorities have canceled a tender offer to buy wheat from the U.S., after unapproved genetically modified wheat was found in an Oregon field, Reuters reported on Thursday. Other major wheat importers South Korea, China and the Philippines also said they were monitoring the situation, after the find stirred concerns […]
A brilliant, yet sobering analysis of the historical crossroads we’re on now. – Ed. Mark Twain once talked about history not necessarily repeating, but he noted that history sure does rhyme. Richard Nixon was unable to survive one direct hit upon his administration, namely, the Watergate scandal. Conversely, Obama is […]