A brilliant, yet sobering analysis of the historical crossroads we’re on now. – Ed. Mark Twain once talked about history not necessarily repeating, but he noted that history sure does rhyme. Richard Nixon was unable to survive one direct hit upon his administration, namely, the Watergate scandal. Conversely, Obama is […]
Corporate Corruption
by F. William Engdahl Are there too many coincidences in the Boston Bombings official narrative to call them coincidences? Behind each one lurks the shadow of Graham Fuller—a top CIA strategist who famously advocated co-opting Islamic extremists to further advance the US agenda in Central Asia—and his cozy ties with the […]
We must either defy the corporate state or accept our extinction as a species. We have been stripped of the power to express dissent or effect change. Rebellion is the only way to remain fully human. Article
As spill estimates are being revised to near 300,000 gallons, we have been hearing very disturbing reports about Exxon’s continued focus on PR damage control rather than actual damage control. At every turn they are attempting to obfuscate the truth even if it means endangering the health of workers, residents […]
HSBC has been accused of facilitating money laundering and tax evasion in Argentina, allowing clients to hide more than $100million. The Argentinian government is pursuing a criminal investigation into the banking giant after accusing it of creating an illegal scheme enabling clients to hide millions of dollars. The UK bank […]
Edible City is a fun, fast-paced journey through the Local Good Food movement that’s taking root in the San Francisco Bay Area, across the nation and around the world. [ … & it’s taking root … because you can’t eat debt-based money that’s been created out of thin air from […]