[youtube]AznmsfngQd0[/youtube] Watch the whole thing on pootube
Corporate Corruption
The United States’ intervention in Africa is driven by America’s desire to secure valuable natural resources and political influence that will ensure the longevity of America’s capitalist system, military industrial complex, and global economic superiority – achieved through the financial and physical control of raw material exports. While America’s prosperity […]
[youtube]9FhMMmqzbD8[/youtube] [ Depeche Mode probably would, too ]
After some interesting intro material, Max Kaiser talks with William Black. Hang in for that. In just a few minutes you’ll learn more about the REALITY of the US financial system than you could get from a Harvard MBA. Video: https://www.brasschecktv.com/page/913.html Best line: “American business schools have all to often […]
[ h / t : wrh ] As far as the U.S. is concerned, the financiers will have used us for a century, then thrown us in the trash. The U.S. may well be replaced by China, which the financiers seem to be grooming as the world’s next military enforcer. […]
[youtube]QQoBAc95tnw[/youtube] One of the most important speeches in American history …and one you never heard in school or on TV. Video: https://www.brasschecktv.com/page/624.html If you know your history, you know that in 1934 there was an attempted coup in the United States that was thwarted largely due to the efforts of […]
[ You decide. ] [youtube]Wq-0JIR38V0[/youtube]