“Must watch” talk by a man who tells the truth, and was punished as a traitor for “doing the right thing”. “It’s Happening NOW! You Have Been Warned” | Edward Snowden 🛎️ For more mind-opening and motivation videos please subscribe to our channel: https://bit.ly/2PkGNfI Order a copy of Edward Snowden’s […]
Corporate Corruption
– A Letter to the Nelson Mail on their silence over the Emirates human rights abuse during the America’s Cup as they promote a movie exposing Saudi Arabia role in murdering dissident journalist Jamal Kashoggi as must see. by Ben Vidgen I just picked up a copy of the Nelson […]
Nothing in this world is Free. For everything there is a cost. Take away personal responsibility and let the government keep you? An analysis of UBI for your perusal. MH Henry Makow – March 12, 2021 Pros and Cons of Universal Basic Income The snapshot below shows some of the […]
Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum – the same body that with Bill Gates seems to be working toward a massive reduction in global population and wants to strip those who remain of personal possessions – has just backed a research group working to develop an “artificial sun”. by tts-admin | Mar 10, 2021 News Brief – March […]
If a governor has the power to release a person from a state execution, then they can decide if a person dies. So the eugenic decision to murder Jews in nursing homes by Como, Newsom et al, could hardly be a genocide. A bigger game for Schumer to lie to […]
After days of unexplained delays and missing data, the FMI, DMI, and NSIDC charts regularly used at Electroverse have finally been updated — those in the AGW camp might want to look away… Cap AllonElectroverse.netFri, 26 Feb 2021 NORTHERN HEMISPHERE SNOW MASS JUMPS TO 700 GIGATONS ABOVE 1982-2012 AVERAGE […]
Freezing Texas should commission a monument: Greta Thunberg and Bill Gates save the Texans from global warming by turning them into icicles. So much for global warming, the reddest herring ever caught in the Gulf of Mexico! by Israel Shamir | Feb 21, 2021 The Texans have got the real New Green Deal, […]
“I’d like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony…” went an old Coke jingle. What happened? Welcome to Woke-a-Cola, the soft drink of the New World Order. MH The Podcast of the Lotus Eaters127K subscribers You can find the reading lists of each individual podcast episode on our […]
Ten year anniversary. Still affects us here in Christchurch every day in every way. MH Was the Christchurch earthquake a terrible natural disaster, or was it a terrible MAN MADE disaster? » Uncensored Publications Limited Christchurch Earthquake Was “On Cue”: Hillary Email » Uncensored Publications Limited The earthquake hazard In […]
If you hadn’t heard already, 5G service has been a HUGE disappointment and the hits just keep coming. By B.N. Frank From Environmental Health Trust: 5G is a Sinking Ship: Slow, Poor Performance and a Power Hog As it turns out 5G is not all it is cracked up to be. 5G is a […]