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Trump has never been one to back down, nor to be silenced. Despite the totalitarian social media bans, Trump will find a way. But the available tech has a sinister side. As you are all aware, the almighty lords of social media have attempted to silence Trump. The Technocratic Tyranny […]

Whistleblower Maria Zack makes extraordinary claims of Italian involvement via defense contractor Leonardo and Obama. Full original Press Release at this link: Microsoft Word – 2021-01-05 NIA IGG Italy Press Rel.docx (alabamaeagle.org) Naturally the MSM is now in full damage/debunk control, so lets get the story moving… Bradley Johnson, a […]

After some of his supporters stormed Congress, US President Donald Trump said they had been wronged and mistreated but should go home in peace and “remember this day forever,” as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube restricted his posts. RTWed, 06 Jan 2021 After some of his supporters stormed Congress, US President Donald […]

Just last month, PC Magazine advised Verizon phone users to turn off and/or disable 5G due to slow speed. In September, it was reported that AT&T’s 5G was slower than 4G in almost every city where it was tested.  In 2019, there were reports of T-Mobile 5G phones overheating and catching fire. By B.N. Frank JANUARY 3, 2021 […]

Keeping it within the context of mandatory vaccination, I would like to introduce you to Jerry Day, whose website FreedomTaker serves as a resource for those who would like to come to a better understanding of their sovereignty as individuals and learn about the practical defense of their innate liberty in our […]
