More Police State monstrosity in the COVID World Order: Kidnapping Children of Essential Services workers “for safety”. MH Allie ParkerMedical KidnapThu, 26 Mar 2020 00:00 UTC © FacebookKatie Spencer and her daughters With the amount of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the U.S. rising every day, the majority of states […]
Corporate Corruption
The real concern isn’t what’s happening now, it’s what comes next. Thanks to Jo for this well researched blog. Please be sure to check out her site for more good work. MH We’ve just gone into lock down in New Zealand where we have to stay at home. While I […]
Judicial Watch today released 80 pages of new emails recently found by the FBI that further document how former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton used her unsecure, non-government email to transmit classified and other sensitive government information. Judicial WatchFri, 20 Mar 2020 04:56 UTC The documents include 11 new Clinton […]
“.. this hoax is bigger than any before, a massive display of power. The people behind this cattle drive are not virologists, but rather people in industry, Intelligence and government who have the power to crash markets, shut down travel, and force sports teams to play to empty stadiums. I […]
Not really fear-mongering, as there is plenty of truth to the reports. We’ve seen an uptick in Elites flocking to NZ to hunker down in their self-sufficient hideouts. As the header says, it’s time to pay attention (in a calm and rational manner, preferably). What’s really going on? Trouble is, […]
In 1979 scientist Eric Spurr warned that wide scale poisoning of New Zealand with compound 1080, intended to kill introduced mammals, was actually killing kea and many other animals. It took decades before NZ’s Department of Conservation (DoC) finally began to monitor kea deaths from 1080 poisoning. Dr Jo Pollard, […]
Spread this far and wide! A well constructed rebuttal against the IPCC lie. MH Cap AllonElectroverseWed, 11 Mar 2020 10:29 UTC Dr Roger Higgs, Geoclastica Ltd, Technical Note 2019-11, 6th April 2019, amended 7th March 2020 on ResearchGate (LINK HERE). We urgently need to expose the ‘CO2 = pollutant’ fallacy […]
The toxic world of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and industrial agriculture is built on false promises. Ronnie CumminsMercola.comTue, 03 Mar 2020 13:14 UTC For nearly 30 years we have been listening to the propaganda of the big biotech companies like Monsanto/Bayer, Syngenta, DuPont/Pioneer, BASF and others about how genetic engineering […]
Lebanon announced Saturday it will default on its Eurobond debt for the first time in its history. By Tyler Durden The protest-racked country has seen a recent change in government, banks opened for merely about half of the past few months, strict controls on hard currency withdrawals and transfers abroad amid a liquidity […]
Tesla or Hummer? The answer may shock you: Sit down, buckle up, and get ready for a CO2 drag-race! by Martin Harris Pictured below is one of the most popular electric vehicles on the market, the Nissan Leaf. It is branded as “Zero Emissions”. Pretty looking car by modern standards. […]