Protection Rackets and snuffing out competition: The Stuff of gangster movies and real life Big Pharma! By Tyler Durden Authored by Charles Hugh Smith via OfTwoMinds blog, $8 per vial in competing developed-world nations and $38,892 in the U.S. That says it all. Thanks to decades of gangster films, […]
Corporate Corruption
The Big Banks robbing hard saving Kiwis of their retirement funds? These banksters have no conscience, that’s for sure. Report from Radio NZ: Default settings on KiwiSaver funds have given $1billion to banks instead of savers and an unnecessary $70million to the taxman over the past six years, according […]
Here’s one that brings no real surprise, but I’m sure confirms what many “knew” all along. Making NZ “Predator Free” (let’s start with humans, huh?) by 2050. Life on Earth is a story of distribution, population and migration: You can’t beat nature! I thought John Key’s grandiose plan was idiocy […]
This story from the NYT really caught my attention. Chlorination is a BIG issue right now in Christchurch, with the City Council receiving more complaints on this than anything else, pretty much ever. WAKE UP NZ! With our waterways polluted by poor farming practices and drained by excessive irrigation, with […] NEW MEME Director: Fred Peabody Producers: Peter Raymont, Andrew Munger, Steve Ord Executive Producers: Peter Raymont, Jeff Cohen, Steve Ord, Oliver Stone Editors: Jim Munro, James Yates Director of Photography: John Westheuser Sound: Sanjay Mehta, Jason Milligan, Peter Sawade Composer: Mark Korven All Governments Lie: Truth, Deception, and the […]
And the deeper implications behind it by Jon Rappoport July 11, 2018 May 2012 Q & A with Ellis Medavoy: It’s rare, these days, for me to get messages from retired propaganda master, Ellis Medavoy. He’s always been a difficult man. Now, he’s even tougher to coax out of his […]
‘YouTube will invest $25 million in funding “quality journalism” on its platform. The initiative will aim to provide context and to promote ‘reputable’ sources; but there are doubts as to what, exactly, that might mean. By Gareth Icke, YouTube announced the initiative on Monday, and says it aims to […]
(Natural News) President Trump is draining the “medical swamp.” The U.S. health care system is plagued by rampant fraud, abuse and profiteering carried out by dishonest doctors and pharmacists. In working to combat the rampant fraud, the DOJ has announced an unprecedented crackdown on medical fraud, charging over 600 people […]
Hats off to author Gerard Tidmarsh, a well balanced, common sense article from the MSM! (Personally I think the labour Government is doing the right thing by calling an end to oil exploration in NZ waters. what do you think?) Is seismic testing a contributory factor in making whales strand? […]
Trump is economically destroying America by ‘talking it up’. The ploy of the bullshit salesman, believing that it baffles brains. It usually baffles those with little experience and rationality; the intellectualized regurgitators. The footpath mounds we try to avoid on a daily basis. It also baffles the less articulate products […]