[ … for your Oscar consideration. ] [youtube]QdYfxEF_lH4[/youtube] [youtube]O5YzXVJFQAE[/youtube] [youtube]VUW0iJy7NoY[/youtube]
The AMERICAN DREAM is a 30 minute animated film that shows you how you’ve been scammed by the most basic elements of our government system. All of us Americans strive for the American Dream, and this film shows you why your dream is getting farther and farther away. Disclose.tv – […]
View the other five pieces of this eye-widening feature length documentary here Someone Else’s Country looks critically at the radical economic changes implemented by the 1984 Labour Government – where privatisation of state assets was part of a wider agenda that sought to remake New Zealand as a model free […]
An excellent explanation of the fraudulent nature of debt-based interest-bearing fiat currencies … currencies given value only because you are told you have to use them and because you have no choice but to work to repay the “value” of the currency your governments have borrowed and the – interest […]
Feature-length documentary about a platoon of American soldiers stationed in Korangal Valley in Afghanistan. The name “Restrepo”, comes from the medical platoon, all of which died during the war. This place is one of the most dangerous jobs in the army of the United Zjedynoczonych. The intention of the filmmakers, […]
Recently, Director Oliver Stone Travelled ’round South America with a film crew and Had Video Camera Chats with all the major heads of state of all the States Of South America [ & as documentaries go this one cuts right through the bullshit that’s been crammed down your throat for […]
[youtube]Xaz2WNbdfgU[/youtube] [youtube]hxUChi7dlKU[/youtube] [youtube]itP8TQqC5kA[/youtube] [youtube]ZlPSaXhLN8w[/youtube]
What happens when dishonest scientists, crooked politicians and corporate America join forces to “make life better” for you? 1. Aspartame, which is sold under a wide variety of names as a zero cal sweetener, is a neurotoxin. 2. It’s in literally thousands of package food products including but not limited […]