This August Palantir described by Bloomberg as “the Bond villain big data surveillance company with a Bond villain name that routinely and openly aids in killing people like most Bond villains do, announced it will soon accept Bitcoin payments for its Bond villain services”. Palantir’s COO, Shyam Sankar, explained the company […]

The best episode yet! Welcome to Clown World Vol. 42 The Outer Light79.6K subscribers 🤗 Help support my channel: ❇️ 👁 📄… 3Speak: Chat-room: 👾

Resistance movements in Gaza are responding to a wave of popular anger over Israeli provocations in Jerusalem and at al-Aqsa. As I write, the building I live in here in Gaza is shaking continuously. Above us, Israeli F-16 warplanes pummel us with a seemingly endless barrage of bombs. Ahmed Abu […]

President Biden’s first joint address to Congress was the biggest WARNING any progressive has ever given about their true plans. This was a carefully-crafted trap that we must make sure we understand. Let me run through what I believe he set up, the shocking thing he told the press before […]

Klaus Schwab, the chief proponent of a global project called the “Great Reset,” may be the most influential “intellectual” in the world today. David Solway – American Thinker Dec 5, 2020 A former member of the UN Advisory Board on Sustainable Development, he is the founder of the World Economic […]

…Because there’s always an agenda behind the headlines! Opinion by Martin Harris 21/4/21 COVID bubbles and Climate Emergencies, step aside, please: Earthquakes are back on the menu, at least here in NZ. The sudden flurry of Mainstream News interest is triggered by a new report that increases the statistical likelihood […]
