Liberal billionaire George Soros is on pace to double his 2016 election spending as he works to oust President Donald Trump, public records show. Joe SchoffstallThe Washington FreebeaconSun, 05 Jul 2020 Soros’s big investments in the 2020 race have gone into the coffers of the Democracy PAC, a super PAC […]
Meltdown News
A prominent organiser of Britain’s Black Lives Matter protests believes the campaign has been ‘hijacked’ by a group of far-Left activists. Mark Hookham – Daily Mail July 4, 2020 In an outspoken attack, Imarn Ayton, 29, also voiced fears that people may have donated towards a high-profile online fundraising campaign without realising […]
It’s a scary time… In the last few weeks, we’ve seen police violence, protests, riots, snitch lines… all framed by the backdrop of a viral pandemic. by Foundation for Economic Education It’s not hard to see that a lot of people are hurting and angry. It’s also not hard to […]
Johnson said he would ‘willingly’ bring in one of the ‘biggest changes in our visa system in British history’ as an ‘alternative’ to Chinese repression. Date: July 3, 2020 Author: Nwo Report Source: Niamh Harris The British Prime Minister has offered three million Hong Kong citizens the right to live and work in […]
Plague, locusts, floods and war…Is the Chinapocalypse here? by Martin Harris 20/6/2020 In defiance of the edict “don’t feed the trolls”, this author takes delight in doing just that. I feed them with calm, logical argument. While they’re engaging me they’re leaving someone else alone, and it’s a great way […]
How quickly the tide has turned! Martin Harris 17/6/20 Mere days ago Ardern and her “weekly COVID Briefing” sidekick Bloomfield were the darlings of the Mainstream Media, now the Press has turned on them: Bloomfield taking the Beehive Back Door to avoid the questions. After the totalitarian lockdowns we all […]
A must-watch! Spiro Skouras of Activist Post recaps and discusses the COVID agenda. By Spiro Skouras JUNE 6, 2020 For months we have seen our way of life change dramatically. We have been told time and time again things will never be the same and we must accept the new normal. […]
They’re both engineered to eventually achieve DEPOPULATION of the human race Mike Adams – Natural news June 3, 2020 The pandemic lockdowns and riots were rolled out in back-to-back fashion, crushing the U.S. economy and spreading fear, violence and unprecedented economic destruction. What do both events have in common? They were […]
Looks like hydroxychloroquine might be back on the menu! A tiny US company, Surgisphere, is behind flawed data which led to governments and the world to dismiss an effective treatment for Coronavirus. The GuardianWed, 03 Jun 2020 Surgisphere, whose employees appear to include a sci-fi writer and adult content model, […]
Have the Royal reptoids fled to Alpha Draconis or is it just a bit of maintenance? The COVID timing arouses suspicions of any odd goings on (as if things weren’t odd enough at the Royal Residence to begin with) MH Strange happenings at Buckngham Palace The Truth 116,824 views• May […]