Should the New Zealand government be engaging in such negotiations in light of all the evidence that shows that “man-made global warming” is a scam? For example, the IPCC has been caught fabricating data and even one of the IPCC reviewers warns that global warming is a scam, plus as […]
Meltdown News
The fed is planning moves that would more than double its balance-sheet assets by September to $4.5 trillion from $1.9 trillion. Whether expressing approval or concern over the fed’s intentions, most commentators fail to understand the real magnitude of the projected expansion of the US monetary base because they don’t take […]
KINGSTON, NY, 27, February 2009 — The wealth of plain, hard facts upon which The Trends Research Institute’s forecasts are based belie the lofty promises made by President Obama’s first address to Congress. “We will rebuild, we will recover, and the United States of America will emerge stronger than before,” […] Food riots were but one form of economic violence that made its bloody appearance in 2008. As economic conditions worsened, protests against rising unemployment, government ineptitude, and the unaddressed needs of the poor erupted as well, notes Michael T. Klare. Will Economic Brushfires Prove Too Virulent to Contain? The […] Is there intelligent life in Washington, DC? Not a speck of it. The US economy is imploding, and Obama is being led by his government of neconservatives and Israeli agents into a quagmire in Afghanistan that will bring the US into confrontation with Russia, and possibly China, American’s largest […] is clued-up and tough! by Brian Evans “When, what to my wondering eyes should appear, But a miniature sleigh and eight tiny reindeer, With a little old driver, so lively and quick, I knew in a moment it must be St. Nick.” So organic and wholesome not even a […]
*** URGENT *** NEW “AMERO” PAPER CURRENCY EXPOSED! North Bergen, NJ — To the chagrin of the government, I have obtained new “AMERO” paper currency notes! You know, the “AMERO” . . . . the new currency that is going to replace the US Dollar, The Canadian Dollar and the […]
Memo to Mr Key: “This is not a normal recession, which is a downturn in the business cycle and “a period of reduced economic activity” usually brought on by a mismatch between supply and demand. (that ends in two quarters of negative growth) The present situation is much more grave; […]
In 1896, Adolph Ochs bought The New York Times and boldly placed on its front-page flag the slogan All The News That’s Fit To Print. Today, its publisher, Arthur Ochs Sulzberger Jr., may need to rewrite that slogan to Less News And Less Money To Print It. That’s because The […]
Martha Rose Crow, M.S. I just watched Bush on CNN call for another round of legislation by the House of Representatives so they will approve a bailout for wal-street (spelling intended) again when almost every American is opposed to handing over such a large amount of money to speculator gamblers […]