This must be what it was like in Russia before the Soviet Union collapsed. The government’s so crooked that nothing works right, the infrastructure’s in a shambles, millions of people are scraping by on government handouts, and everyone’s on a permanent downer. Welcome to the United States of America 2011. […]
[youtube]tkJNyQfAprY[/youtube] [youtube]UdvIUHw31js[/youtube] [youtube]cFevDtxbBHM[/youtube] [youtube]VZbM_MIz4RM[/youtube] [youtube]xk5aZYVhxAg[/youtube]
[ Well Worth Watching ] Video
Now here’s an interesting story currently doing the rounds of the e-mailosphere. I received the below email a few days ago from a friend in the industry. Hotel Grand Chancellor is a story that needs to be told. Maybe a book someday! It was finally announced on Wednesday but it […]
Uncontrolled peer to peer currencies – no need to click your silver heels Dorothy we’re already there – just waiting to realize it on mass – peasants you have the power – and now you have had enough – or dont have enough … a simple action plan for the […]
[ Well worth watching if you haven’t seen it – a very eye-opening piece of work ] [youtube]xAKr9YqPowQ[/youtube] Official Site here
Credit Suisse, Goldman Sachs and Royal Bank of Scotland each borrowed at least $US30 billion ($29 billion) in 2008 from a Federal Reserve emergency lending program whose details weren’t revealed to shareholders, members of Congress or the public. Read the rest here
The world’s most infamous robo-signer is exposed. Source – Stop Foreclosure Fraud A few stories you might have missed: Foreclosure Hamlet Gets Hacked – Someone Doesn’t Like Robo-Signers Being Exposed Rochester NY Sends 25 Police Cars And The SWAT Team To Evict Woman From Late Husband’s Home, […]
A massive international land grab is now underway as investors and national governments buy up millions of acres of farmlands in Africa, Asia and Latin America. It amounts to an unprecedented and novel set of enclosures of worldwide land, much of it customary land that rural communities use […]