[ … leaving only one standing ] ELEANOR HALL: The United States Congress has put forward legislation that would overhaul the financial system and if necessary break up firms that pose a threat to the world’s biggest economy. The proposed crackdown, which comes 18 months after the collapse of Lehman […]

1. Few people have any idea about its true size and scope 2. The catastrophe was created by deliberate systemic fraud while the US government looked on. If you want to know where the US is headed financially, watch this. Video : https://www.brasschecktv.com/page/824.html Apparently, it’s now news to the financial […]


What if Americans had been asked whether they wanted to bail out big bankers and Wall Street speculators? How many would have voted “no”? A measure of patriotism feeds the hope that they would have made their opposition known as resoundingly as have the voters of Iceland, who on Saturday […]

Latin America has suffered constant aggressions executed by Washington during the past two hundred years. Strategies and tactics of covert and overt warfare have been applied against different nations in the region, ranging from coup d’etats, assassinations, disappearances, torture, brutal dictatorships, atrocities, political persecution, economic sabotage, psychological operations, media warfare, […]
