Can there be any clearer sign that the “great replacement” is a reality? This all smacks of the UN Kalergi Plan, now morphed into the 2030 Agenda. Watch for more examples of evicted residents making way for migrants: This may be the first domino. MH John Cody — Remix News […]

As an isolated incident this would be disturbing enough, but we are seeing this occur on a regular basis. Fortunately brave parents are speaking up. Mar 2, 2023 #lgbtq#BlazeTV#schoolboard Graphic Warning: 11-year-old boy reads pornographic smut from his school library at school board meeting. That wasn’t disturbing enough for you? […]

At the link below you should read what must surely be the most comprehensive and well-presented expose of the Ukraine situation you will ever see. Well worth your time to view and share with anyone open-minded enough. CRITICAL INFORMATION The following report about Ukraine contains critical information that all of […]

In the 1960s Europe was European. Germany was German. France was French. Italy was Italian. The Netherlands were Dutch. Sweden was Swedish. Spain was Spanish. The distinct ethnic nationalities gave Europe a lot of diversity. Paul Craig Roberts — Feb 20, 2023 Today all of these countries are towers […]
