Facial recognition Fascism is here. This is happening because ‘we the people’ allowed it to happen. Some of us even acted as cheerleaders for its implementation “for our safety”. Others failed to stand when the opportunity to protest arose. Have we become a civilization of cowards? How is this legal? […]
Republicans on the House Oversight Committee have been working with four witnesses with close ties to the Bidens, who have provided documents and other evidence tying the Bidens to the CCP. BY TYLER DURDEN “It’s as bad as we thought… Since we’ve last spoken we have bank records in hand. We […]
We’ve posted many blogs and articles on the Social Credit subject for years now. Warned about it coming, screamed it from the rooftops. New Zealand is going full steam ahead with Light Rail (while discouraging private transportation) and this will go hand in with it. FOR PITY’S SAKE!! WAKE THE […]
Looking at current world events, you might want to look up or reconsider the strange case of Al Bielek… Martin Harris 9/3/23 It can hardly have escaped everyone’s attention that the news media have whipped into a frenzy by the (not really surprising) news of China and Russia’s recently unveiled […]
Can there be any clearer sign that the “great replacement” is a reality? This all smacks of the UN Kalergi Plan, now morphed into the 2030 Agenda. Watch for more examples of evicted residents making way for migrants: This may be the first domino. MH John Cody — Remix News […]
As an isolated incident this would be disturbing enough, but we are seeing this occur on a regular basis. Fortunately brave parents are speaking up. Mar 2, 2023 #lgbtq#BlazeTV#schoolboard Graphic Warning: 11-year-old boy reads pornographic smut from his school library at school board meeting. That wasn’t disturbing enough for you? […]
Thanks to ‘forced renewable energy’ push by Biden regime JD Heyes — News Target Feb 27, 2023 A major energy producer is predicting rolling power outages and sustained blackouts over the next few years thanks to the Biden regime forcing the country into relying more on renewable energy and less […]
At the link below you should read what must surely be the most comprehensive and well-presented expose of the Ukraine situation you will ever see. Well worth your time to view and share with anyone open-minded enough. CRITICAL INFORMATION The following report about Ukraine contains critical information that all of […]
In the 1960s Europe was European. Germany was German. France was French. Italy was Italian. The Netherlands were Dutch. Sweden was Swedish. Spain was Spanish. The distinct ethnic nationalities gave Europe a lot of diversity. Paul Craig Roberts — paulcraigroberts.org Feb 20, 2023 Today all of these countries are towers […]
Three years ago, this author suggested that Elon Musk might be the forthcoming New World Order messiah, uniting the world at a time of great crises. With takeover of Twitter, he went from media darling to “enemy number one”, but now he’s back in the spotlight for saving the world […]