As outlined in the Hal Turner article below from Jon Eisen, (and corroborated by numerous other news sources including MSM) Australian Truckers are planning to bring the nation to a halt and are telling Australian families to be prepared and stock up! The Turner article claims that similar action is […]
This August Palantir described by Bloomberg as “the Bond villain big data surveillance company with a Bond villain name that routinely and openly aids in killing people like most Bond villains do, announced it will soon accept Bitcoin payments for its Bond villain services”. Palantir’s COO, Shyam Sankar, explained the company […]
Make what you will of this. I’ve had several people comment recently that they feel “something big is coming”. Yes, we all remember Y2K and 2012 and all the other doomsdays that have been and gone, but considering the chain of events in the intervening years, I’d be paying attention. […]
One of the ways the global cabal is attempting to implement The Great Reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution is by putting global supply chains at risk to bring the economy to its knees. I warned about this looming threat in my article What the Future Portends: 10 Predictions for 2021 […]
The best episode yet! Welcome to Clown World Vol. 42 The Outer Light79.6K subscribers 🤗 Help support my channel: ❇️ 👁 📄… 3Speak: Chat-room: 👾
Anyone with a few research skills will quickly learn that EVs are not the “clean green” alternative that they are claimed to be, but the Labour government wants us purchasing them nevertheless. But is charging a fee on buying your next petrol car to fund rebates for buyers of EVs […]
-Written by Dai Mitchell of Nelson, NZ, June 28th, 2021, relayed via Ben Vidgen “At a time of constitutional review, the secrecy surrounding the TPPA negotiations raises hard questions about the future shape of New Zealand”. -‘Hidden Agenda What We Need To Know About The TPPA’ Jane Kelsey ( Bridget William […]
WHY? Is this the beginning of the end? This is madness. “WHERE IS BLM”? The Podcast of the Lotus Eaters 160K subscribers
Benefits that pay people not to work creating manufactured labor shortage? New Zealand readers take note, this scenario is brewing here too. Martin By Richard M. Ebeling Not long ago, my wife and I decided to go out to our favorite Thai restaurant not far from our home in the Charleston, […]
A small, tranquil backwater nation, a trading superpower, and a strategic location with hidden military potential. The opening premise of Star Wars, and Samoa’s real-life situation unfolding. Martin Harris 26/5/21 Star Wars fans cast your minds back to the opening scenes of George Lucas’s prequel Star Wars Episode One, appropriately […]