The real concern isn’t what’s happening now, it’s what comes next. Thanks to Jo for this well researched blog. Please be sure to check out her site for more good work. MH We’ve just gone into lock down in New Zealand where we have to stay at home. While I […]
“Invasion”: Why did they order the tapes erased? By Martin Harris 24/3/20 Malcolm Hulke was a successful, and much admired, writer for television, radio, cinema and the theatre from the 1950s through to the late 1970s. He wrote for Armchair Theatre, The Avengers, Crossroads and Dr Who… It is less […]
Creative marketing and a touch of humor. Don’t know where the store is that’s doing this deal, but they deserve an award of some sort!
Not really fear-mongering, as there is plenty of truth to the reports. We’ve seen an uptick in Elites flocking to NZ to hunker down in their self-sufficient hideouts. As the header says, it’s time to pay attention (in a calm and rational manner, preferably). What’s really going on? Trouble is, […]
A 2015 Soros-funded think tank predicted a 2020 breakdown of the global food supply following an outbreak — just as Bill Gates’ 2019 “event 201” simulated a global pandemic. Watch the Bill Gates & friends ‘plandemic’ preparedness exercise cum conference held in October 2019 centerforhealthsecurity 4.31K subscribers Selected moments from […]
Last week’s violent gyrations in the stock market are the result of a tug-of-war between two well-represented groups of investors. Mike Whitney – The Unz Review March 8, 2020 One group thinks the Coronavirus will severely impact the global economy pushing stocks further into the red, while the other group […]
Lebanon announced Saturday it will default on its Eurobond debt for the first time in its history. By Tyler Durden The protest-racked country has seen a recent change in government, banks opened for merely about half of the past few months, strict controls on hard currency withdrawals and transfers abroad amid a liquidity […]
While we were all looking the other way, this went down in the Arctic…. F. William EngdahlNew Eastern OutlookTue, 03 Mar 2020 00:00 UTC Against the backdrop of the spreading fear about a global coronavirus pandemic, an event has slipped largely under the radar at a spot so removed from […]
A study by the European Center for Law and Justice in Strasbourg has revealed several conflicts of interest between judges at the European Court of Human Rights and NGOs funded by George Soros. John LaughlandRTTue, 25 Feb 2020 15:54 UTC The European Center for Law and Justice is an NGO […]
A funny thing happened on the way from eleven to ten Downing Street on 13/2/2020. by G Squared Sajid Javid, at the time Chancellor of The Exchequer, walked next door (there are actually internal connections from Whitehall through to Westminster Palace through Embankment, from the days of the secret underground […]