NZ Health Minister David Clark appears to have been caught out via a leaked document being gleefully brandished by the Opposition. Telling the public there are no current plans for a Sugar Tax, but behind the façade the opposite appears to be the case. Why would he do this, and […]
Here we go again. Last year’s North Korea boogeyman returns, just like Godzilla. Here’s the story via The Public’s Radio: May 4, 2019 SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — North Korea on Saturday fired several unidentified short-range projectiles into the sea off its eastern coast, the South Korean Joint Chiefs of […]
Mainstream media sources are having a field day with the latest findings from NZ’s Antarctic research team that suggest that a certain portion of the ice cover, the Ross Ice Shelf, is melting at a vastly greater rate than the rest of the continent. Naturally, “man made” climate change is […]
China or the USA? It looks like countries like NZ, Australia and even the UK that are juggling alliances with the two major superpowers will soon have s to start making some tough choices. First let’s take a look at the Chinese Belt And Road global “silk road”: New Silk […]
Something is very wrong with the ‘Big Picture’. When tens of trillions of dollars; an unimaginable sum for most, sits dormant in tax havens, we’ve got a huge problem. What’s the solution? By Martin Harris 26/4/19 Corporate corruption. Greed. Like the dragons of legend, the Elites sit on vast hoards […]
I love natural solutions to environmental problems, especially plastic waste. This is a goodie: Magic Mushrooms! Elias MaratThe Mind UnleashedTue, 02 Apr 2019 00:00 UTC Whether we like it or not, our society has become completely reliant on plastic. From food preservation to water transportation, computer technology to healthcare and […]
Always happy to assist with a worthy cause, and among the many, many petitions I am asked to sign, some I feel worthy of giving further publicity by posting here. This is one of them (obviously!) Dear Martin, Last year was the first time I ever went to a […]
In 2020, Japan is inviting athletes from around the world to take part in the Tokyo Olympic Games. We are hoping for the games to be fair and peaceful. At the same time, we are worried about plans to host baseball and softball competitions in Fukushima City, just 50 km […]
Awakening the masses to perhaps the most important event of our lifetime – that STILL no one knows about. Fukushima is a disaster the threatens to effect our lives for many generations yet a media blackout by the Japanese Government means we hear nothing. This track was produced by Gh0st […]
Russia has, like Japan, had a serious declining birth rate issue for a while now; to the point where they are a ‘vanishing” country. I regard this move by Putin as a necessary “crisis” measure to save his nation, which will indeed otherwise become a land occupied almost entirely by […]