The 1 percent hollowed out the middle class and our industrial base. And Washington just let it happen I know I’m dating myself by writing this, but I remember the middle class. I grew up in an automaking town in the 1970s, when it was still possible for a high […]
Research has only recently been able to identify poverty as a causal factor in debilitating medical conditions that leave people sick, unable to work and unable to think. Read the rest here
Video, links & sources here
. The idea behind trickle-down economics was that the wealthy were job creators, and that by reducing taxes on the affluent, more jobs would be created, resulting in prosperity for all. Trickle-down economics was christened with an official name, supply side economics, and sold to the American people with a […]
Any politician not yet bought and paid for ~ may wish to try and get their head around this :
In America today, there are close to 50 million people living in poverty and there are more than 100 million people that get money from the federal government every month. As the middle class disintegrates, poverty is climbing to unprecedented levels. Even though the stock market has been setting record […]
Researching economic publications on the first century of the Federal Reserve System provides a wealth of financial information that attempts to explain the way the central bank works. Rarely will the academic studies and official reports address the raw nature of a money creation by a private banking monopoly. The common practice […]
[ Eustace Mullins ~ who is quite possibly the most censored man of the Twentieth Century provides you and the rest of the internet with some hidden history – while sitting on a couch ]
Today I am beginning a series of articles about what I believe is the extremely deep crisis taking place in Europe and about the potential of this crisis to result in some cataclysmic events. I will begin by taking a look at what has been going on in France, probably […]