“Almost all people are hypnotics. The proper authority saw to it that the proper belief should be induced, and the people believed properly.” – Charles Fort As usual, a comprehensive update of current events in Australia and worldwide from Max at The Crowhouse. Never give up, never lose hope. MH […]
Editor’s Choice
PARENTS CONSIDERING VACCINATING CHILDREN, READ THIS: (And this is a mainstream science article, from a reputable journal, so no-one can accuse you of referencing “misinformation” or “conspiracy articles”!) Highlights •Bulk of COVID-19 per capita deaths occur in elderly with high comorbidities. •Per capita COVID-19 deaths are negligible in children. •Clinical […]
Here’s a bit of fun. Who needs “Face the Music”. Let’s play “Face the Media” Who’s the Prime Minister going to give the first question to? Place your bets. For those not in the know, our Dear Leader Comrade Ardern is well known for an aversion to tough questions and […]
An oldie but a goodie. Share with all your friends who think the Mainstream News is honest, objective and unbiased! Sinclair’s script for stations (MIRROR) #FakeNews (bitchute.com) Public domain movies Anon
Absolutely brilliant piece of “science fiction” by Rappoport. I took the liberty of adding suitable images. MH We don’t know how Bill Gates was transported to a Galactic proceeding, and we only have fragments of the interrogation. But because no court on Earth would deliver justice, those distant powers intervened. by […]
Say the right things you too can be hanging out with the beautiful people in Telly Land new Celebrity chock competition Covid A Game of Charade where what you say is more important than what you do in this game of two faces. By BEN VIDGEN “The Dyslexic Detective” In […]
People with extreme political views that favor authoritarianism — whether they are on the far left or the far right — have surprisingly similar behaviors and psychological characteristics, a new study finds. Phys.orgFri, 10 Sep 2021 © Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain The Journal of Personality and Social Psychology published the research by psychologists […]
A guy takes the Astra-Zeneca Jab, gets blood clots requiring amputation of his leg. He’s now out PROMOTING the vaccine to others! HAL TURNER 06 SEPTEMBER 2021 Let me see if I have this right: The guy gets the “clot-shot” – the mRNA gene therapy masquerading as a COVID-19 “Vaccine.” It […]