…And DMT is a byproduct? Just add edible nuclear mushrooms! Just Have a Think Nature always finds a way..so they say! But it looks like it may actually be true in the case of our global plastic waste dilemma. Genetic mutations have been discovered in specific natural bacteria that enable them […]
Editor’s Choice
With so many dramatic and consuming events taking place in our world, it’s easy to forget that as human beings we are deeply affected by all of the cosmic events taking place in the universe around us. We are beings of frequency in a universe made of energy. Dylan CharlesWaking TimesSat, 30 […]
International best-selling author, Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA, explains proposed new law requiring British citizens to wear galoshes and to hop everywhere. Vernon Coleman For more unbiased information please visit http://www.vernoncoleman.com Thank you for all your support and encouragement. Please subscribe to this channel and please share.
“Cause of Death Unknown at this stage.” June 3, 2020 David Dees Passed away 31st May 2020 David Dees Death – The family of David Dees announced the passing away of their beloved one. He died recently.S@kash_lad David Dees, one of the best artist’s I have come across who […]
Have the Royal reptoids fled to Alpha Draconis or is it just a bit of maintenance? The COVID timing arouses suspicions of any odd goings on (as if things weren’t odd enough at the Royal Residence to begin with) MH Strange happenings at Buckngham Palace The Truth 116,824 views• May […]
Could nearly half the population not already infected with SARS-CoV-2 be immune to it from having already contracted other forms of coronavirus in recent years? Daniel Horowitz · May 27, 2020Conservative Review That is one implication of a major study conducted by over a dozen researchers from several microbiology and immunology institutions […]
What once was satire, now is reality (or whatever passes for it these days). Laugh or cry? take your pick: Are you ready for this week’s absurdity? Here’s our roll-up of the most ridiculous stories from around the world that are threats to your liberty, risks to your prosperity… and […]
Here’s Patent 060606 coming to your workplace and community as outlined by Max: “A single person who stops lying can bring down a tyranny” Alexandr Solzhenitsyn thecrowhouse232K subscribers SUBSCRIBEhttp://thecrowhouse.com BitCute https://www.bitchute.com/channel/TheC… MeWe https://mewe.com/group/5aa84d353016dd… Hive https://hive.blog/@maxigan Twitter @maxigan LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/max-igan LBRY https://lbry.tv/@thecrowhouse:2 Minds https://www.minds.com/maxiganscrowhouse/ Support The Crowhouse: https://www.patreon.com/maxigan Crypto-currencies: Bitcoin: 1F6bEEsJHZZhHeT4fmN9iQCwF1Yqu5UZSD […]
Recently a website addressed UNNWO.org has been making the rounds online. UNNWO stands for United Nations New World Order and the website has become the center of a debate questioning the site’s legitimacy. Is the site real? Or fake? Spiro Skouras The UNNWO website’s about section reads “The United Nations […]
Possibly the best essay on the COVID 19 situation I’ve read: Watch for mention of NZ’s draconian new laws. MH Israel Shamir – The Unz Review May 22, 2020 I like conspiracy theories; they attempt to inject meaning into otherwise meaningless sets of assorted facts. They bring Logos into our […]