9-11, Saville, Epstein…it’s all discussed here! BBC Journalist Exposes The Dark Side Of The Media. James English The Anything Goes Show Ep72. Anna brees left the BBC on principle and talks to me about how journalists are failing the public when it comes to the truth. Professional TV news journalist […]
Editor’s Choice
NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden wants to come home, just not into the waiting arms of a fear-based system of “turnkey tyranny” that has mushroomed with the rise of smartphones, he told talk show host Joe Rogan. Americans might believe the government cleaned up its act after Snowden revealed the NSA’s […]
…And it isn’t “man made” climate change. Well, well, well. How about that. MH Dwayne Brown, Alan Buisnasa.govSat, 12 Oct 2019 00:00 UTC © NASA/JPL-CaltechThe last El Nino in 2015-16 impacted the amount of carbon dioxide that Earth’s tropical regions released into the atmosphere, leading to Earth’s recent record spike […]
There have been signs recently that the “long quiet” in California – USA seismic activity is coming to an end. Here’s something new to be concerned about and prepared for (and as a quake survivor myself, I do urge Californians to be calm and prepared when the inevitable occurs). MH […]
The following story illustrates two things clearly. Firstly, that her photographic memory (combined with theatrically trained parents) explains Thunberg’s apparent lucidity when speaking before an audience, and secondly, that her alleged ability to “see” that which cannot be seen suggests she is a troubled young lady whose delusions are being […]
A vegan animal rights activist from Spain proclaimed her mental illness to the world recently by trying to “rescue” 16 rabbits from a local farm, only to end up killing about 100 of them in the process, according to media reports. 09/19/2019 / By Ethan Huff Reports indicate that “Mythical […]
The mainstream media has made a radical departure away from vehement chemtrail denialism into systematic chemtrail embrace, and the question remains as to why the climate “deep state” has suddenly decided to show its cards. 09/20/2019 / By Ethan Huff Geoengineering, which was long dubbed a “conspiracy theory” by the […]
A potential game changer! This could take away China’s monopoly on the rare earth industry and make electric vehicles a little more environmentally friendly. If it ever comes to fruition, that is… A waste product of the fertilizer industry might serve as a rich repository of rare earth elements. Researchers […]
And this comes from the lofty Scientific American, no less, despite the conspiratorial tone! The big question for me is: Why did NASA cover up the evidence? MH Gilbert V. LevinScientific AmericanThu, 10 Oct 2019 16:43 UTC We humans can now peer back into the virtual origin of our universe. […]
Hypocrite Hillary cries crocodile tears: What a croc! As always the Russians are having a field day with this news: RTSun, 13 Oct 2019 01:22 UTC © UnknownFormer US Sec. of State Hillary Clinton Hillary Clinton has retweeted a post by an NBC correspondent about ‘atrocities’ unleashed by Turkey’s incursion […]