“. . .you must look at who you are and make an effort to know yourself, which is the most difficult knowledge one can imagine. When you know yourself, you will not puff yourself up like the frog who wanted to be the equal of the ox. . .” Don […]
Editor’s Choice
Superb presentation from Mr. Mythos, without a doubt the most detailed and persuasive case for the main alternative to the extra-terrestrial origin theory of UFOs that I have ever watched. Martin Please give Mr. Mythos your support. He has some incredible content on all things esoteric! https://www.youtube.com/@MrMythos An oldie from […]
Donald J. Trump, went from businessman to president in 2016, however, his controversies as president, the illegal Democrat campaign against him, the deep state conspiracies to remove him from office, as well as the proven lies that were continuously perpetuated by the mainstream media will be covered, and disproven citing […]
Was the Unabomber right? Not his terrorism, but his manifesto? He certainly seems to have foreseen the direction the world would take. And was he a product (via MKultra) of the very 3-letter government organizations who ultimately hunted him down? What might he have accomplished were he not warped by […]
An important and inspiring documentary on Masculinity from Prager U: a topic that should be foremost in the minds of all men, and also their families. A time will come soon when the call will go out for courageous men to stand up and defend their nation, their family and […]
The worldwide flood legends are worldwide for a good reason. Seems Australia now has its own Doggerland, and all these sunken lands relate back to the Younger Dryas catastrophe and its aftermath. MH Katherine DonlevyNew York PostSat, 23 Dec 2023 Forget about the lost city of Atlantis. Scientists stumbled upon […]
Videos hand-picked from YouTube for information, education, and thought. All from channels I sub to and recommend. Why compose a waffly article for each one when I can just lump them all together? Enjoy! MH The Worst Medical Experiment in US History is Worse Than You Thought (advance warning, there’s […]
Frank Herbert, the author of Dune, warned about humanity becoming slaves to our own technology and “thinking machines”. I loathe AI with a vengeance. Especially ChatGPT. Nick cave and Stephen fry I both have the utmost respect for, however. Martin Stephen Fry reads Nick Cave’s stirring letter about ChatGPT and […]
Independent Investigative journalist author Ben Vidgen presents a 30-minute show offering quality alternative media backed by quality documented information on the issues not hitting the headlines, but that should be. FRESH FM TASMAN NUMBER ONE MOST FOLLOWED PODCAST The Deadline Report – Ben Vidgen Investigates. INDEPENDENT NEWS WITHOUT BIPARTISAN PARTY BIAS. A double shot of […]
Another “must watch” from Moon. Hammers home a few home truths about certain Elite figures. 145,058 views Nov 20, 2023 Moon Newsletter – https://mailchi.mp/3ded12821743/moon