A curious thing is happening of late across the interwebs, a social phenomenon as prolific as the cinnamon challenge – some people seem to be coming to their senses. Specifically I mean some vegans, and by coming to their senses, I mean they’re leaving veganism. More and more video confessionals […]
Editor’s Choice
Although this presentation is now 3 years old, it is still relevant, in fact probably even more so as the IPCC climate change “facts” become ingrained in the public consciousness. In any event, it is a simple, concise, BS-free explanation from a knowledgeable scientist. Enjoy! Martin Harris 20/2/19 PragerU Published […]
According to a recently published white paper there is a worldwide effort to restrict the right to travel of everyone. And you will not believe how the U.N. is involved. By MassPrivateI A recent article at PapersPlease.org warns that the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) wants to check […]
This is no joke: AI technology that makes up it’s own phoney news stories complete with imaginary quotes! Now AI can tell lies, and that has some scary implications: Creators of AI text generator say it’s too dangerous to release Harry CockburnThe IndependentFri, 15 Feb 2019 20:46 UTC © Shutterstock […]
Yes, when even Greenpeace thinks your “Green” plan is loopy, you’re on to a loser! Read On: Alex Newman – The New American Feb 11, 2019 The “Green New Deal” proposed by congressional Democrats is a “recipe for mass suicide” and the “most ridiculous scenario I ever heard,” Greenpeace Co-Founder […]
Imagination is a wonderful thing. Emotions are often a result of the mind telling us stories without our direction over the outcome. When we imagine any fear repeatedly in a safe environment, soon our phobia, and our brain’s response to it, begins to subside. Josh RichardsonPrevent DiseaseWed, 12 Dec 2018 […]
A lady with guts tells it like it is: ThePatriotNurse Published on Jan 30, 2019 Subscribe 278K Patriot Nurse goes off on the new ‘Repeal Act’ abortion bill that would allow the murder of full term infants at the time of birth. As a former labor and delivery nurse, Patriot […]
Even though the following item is a year old, I felt it worth reposting here: A reputable science publication providing a sober antidote to sea level rise alarmism. Here in NZ we know how rapidly land can rise or fall due to seismic activity (note the dramatic lifting of former […]
Leaders in various industries across the world gathered in Davos, Switzerland, for the World Economic Forum. The potential benefits and danger of AI was a primary discussion. CNET senior producer Dan Patterson speaks to Ben Goertzel, CEO and founder of SingularityNET, about the future of artificial intelligence. CBS News Published […]
Open Thread on The Christchurch Earthquakes Related material compiled by Martin Harris 9/2/19: Saves all interested readers some searching. It’s all here!