While it’s not shocking that a journalism professor would ban students from citing news sources that are not credible, it is eyebrow-raising that one of those sources would be In a copy of a syllabus obtained by Fox, Stephanie Wolfe, a visiting professor of journalism at West Liberty University in […]
Editor’s Choice
You can no longer pretend that you did not know. William Wilberforce in the UK House of Commons. The “Suiciding” of Pedophile Investigators by Dave Hodges – thecommonsenseshow.com Here is an extract of this article .. The Biggest Victims of All Great Britain is a key link in the biggest […]
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Which STD Factory Are You Dating? By Devvy Kidd 1-19-13 “Kinsey, though married to a woman who took part in his many filmed “scientific” orgies, was a promiscuous homosexual and sadomasochist. He managed to completely upend and twist the world’s perception of human sexuality in the 1950s and ’60s with […]
Every civilization and every generation has their defining voices. The voice does two things. It tells the story of the times; and it injects the telltale emotions, moods, and attitudes of that story. The public swallows the tale with all its lies and omissions, and accepts the way in which […]
We want to make growing food easy, fast, sustainable and an act of rebellion. The defining moment of the industrial revolution was the transformation of the household from a unit of production to a unit of consumption – and then the inevitable enslavement. Eat better than slaves, grow your own […]
All yours. A forum with an open topic. Post / comment / disclose / inform / whistleblow / educate and edify on any subject of your choosing. But play nice. You are free to disagree and provide critical feedback ~ as long as you keep it respectful. If you wouldn’t say […]