Updated: October 1, 2012 Martial Law 9/11: Rise Of The Police State https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_MprNLb_fIg freedomorfascism Fullerton Police Raid Wrong Home, Pastor and Family Held at Gunpoint – – 14 yr old girl Tasered in the Head https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wMeL6GUow24&feature=fvwrel – WAKEFIELD, Bronx (WABC) Community leaders met with […]
Editor’s Choice
[ This from Uncensored’s ‘Learning From F#@&ing History’ files. ] False flag incident used as a pretext for escalated war that killed 58,151 Americans and millions of Vietnamese. [youtube]TSjGcQX9v_A[/youtube]
“One country, Germany, trying to prevent a war, the other country, Roosevelt, trying to fan the flames of anti-German feeling in order to create a war. And yet, it’s the Germans who are called the criminals and the Americans who do the prosecuting.” See F.J.P. Veale’s Advance to Barbarism. [youtube]wvb30VyM9zs[/youtube] […]
[ 21st Century pyramids are inverted in order to make room for all the wealth, resource & human energy that flows to the top. Here’s some small advice for the weekend – from Activist Post … and you can probably stop being a slave for less than the price […]
[ If unmanned, weaponised military drones don’t bother you – then you just haven’t been paying enough attention. ] [ This drone was spotted over Illinois – the other day ] . In 2011 they were deployed in Libya, Somalia, Afghanistan, Yemen, Pakistan, Iraq, Palestine and Turkey. According to the […]
[ It’s worth bearing in mind here, that the only reason people are currently running around on the world shooting holes in each other over energy resources is because energy resources are so ‘profitable’. ] Israel wants its energy projects in Greek Cyprus to be run by Israelis and is seeking to […]
One of the world’s largest BitTorrent sites is going to put servers on GPS-controlled aircraft drones in order to evade authorities who are looking to shut the site down. The world’s largest and most resilient BitTorrent site plans to redefine “cloud computing” with a plan to move at least […]
Princess Diana Was Assassinated By Mossad Because She Was A Supporter Of Palestine Ex MI5 Agent Annie Machon Speaks Out, She Also Blew The Whistle On MI5 & MI6, Regarding Some Of Their Sinister Or Unjust Practices. [youtube]pucWT_YKJgA[/youtube]
We need to face the facts – propaganda and public brain-washing, corruption, deception and the democracy farce are intentional and all-encompassing; these are not the results of a few minor aberrations or unavoidable accidents in otherwise decent society……. The scientific fact of the matter is that human nature is […]