Interesting how rapidly they made a U-Turn and portray the Ukraine military as heroes, is it not? Here’s Time Magazine, a mere two years ago: Here’s the almighty BBC 8 years back: Aug 9, 2022 CBS aired this documentary about U.S. weapons getting lost in the Ukraine a few days […]

Science ought to be the pursuit of facts. These days it’s become the pursuit of funding. Big corporations profit from the resultant misdirection while getting away with health and environmental crimes. Editorial Opinion by Martin Harris 8/1/23 Your government relies on you having a short memory. A few years BC […]

Not being reported in the MSM (surprised?) is the “under the radar” defunding of Border Control Police, via the $1.7 trillion Omnibus Bill 2022. Looks like a recipe for orchestrated chaos. Here’s the communication from our correspondent G Squared, and following I’ll make connections to the “master plan”. Martin The […]
