Bringing the Nord Stream 2 saga up to date: Two plus two equals…well, you don’t have to be a genius to join the dots here. MH First some links to recap on the Nord Stream “accident” Which brings us to subsequent recent events: The US is set to double its […]
Editor’s Comment
No it isn’t satire or a hoax. We did a little digging and analysis on this one and share our observations about the alleged vaccine and traffic accident link! MH Martin Harris 15/12/22 Original source of info is a video by Carl Vernon: I went and read the actual study […]
Diversion is running through the MSM reports as the case of Baby Will and his parent’s wishes goes before the courts. Your health freedom is at stake. Editor’s comment by Martin Harris 6/12/22 All New Zealanders will be familiar with the case of poor baby Will who needs heart surgery […]
There’s nothing like a good science fiction story. My favourites usually have a near-future dystopian theme. Many of those have a common narrative. Good science fiction often comes very close to predicting the future or mirroring current events in a fictional setting. Editors comment by Martin Harris 29/11/22 Society is […]
Ardern said, “the world is watching New Zealand” and she was right, but for the wrong reasons! Martin Harris 6/11/22 Not so sure about Morris’s claim “the WEF is winning” as New Zealanders have made their feeling felt and our government has lost its support in a huge way. The […]
Pick a search engine. Pick a topic. You’ll get many tens of thousands, possibly millions, of results. Or so they say. But how many results do you really get? It looks like the internet is slowly dying. Martin Harris 3/11/22 I remember the days when I would take a deep […]
After years of denial, DOC admits to significant Kea deaths caused by the controversial use of 1080 poison. But while DOC claims the poison is a necessary evil, the truth is that it is simply evil. 1/11/22 According to a Newshub report 28/10/22: Arthur’s Pass Village has an exclusion zone […]
This is a tragedy in the making. The total collapse of New Zealand’s education system. A deliberate assassination couldn’t do a better hit job. But all in all, it’s just another Brick in The Wall… 27/10/22 Just 2 per cent of decile 1 students passed the writing component of new […]
The New Normal. Build Back Better. The Great Reset. It all amounts to the same thing: The New World Order. And it is all taking shape according to plan. Editor’s comment 25/10/22 This morning, 25 October 2022 in NZ time, the UK announced its new PM. After the insanity of […]
“Resistance is futile” goes the famous catchphrase of Star Trek’s transhuman Borg Collective. And it seems if we resist the mRNA vaccine by injection, they’ll find other means to introduce it into our bodies. Should make even the most skeptical of us wonder what’s in that so-called vaccine, even after […]