BLOCKBUSTER: This has huge implications! From Jon Eisen: PLEASE SHARE WIDELY. The attached document was released to lawyer Sue Grey after a request under the Official Information Act as stated in the also attached letter. It shows Medsafe declined full approval of the Pfizer mRNA vaccine (so called) due to […]
Editor’s Comment
Lockdown doesn’t work. The vaccine apparently doesn’t work. So, what’s the point? Here we are, back in Level 4. At least one of the 4 new cases was fully vaccinated. This is a very long way from the first recipient of the “97% effective” Pfizer vaccine to get the coronavirus. […]
“Your attention please. Would the Real Wilson Edwards please stand up?” More news on this coming: (1) China Uncensored – YouTube
This a direct response to the Newsroom article ‘Human civilisation has never existed in a climate this hot’ by Marc Daalder, first published 9/8/21. I will dissect without mercy! by Martin Harris 14/8/21 First, some background context. Cast your minds back to 2019, before COVID-19 took the spotlight. The IPCC […]
“Jacinda Ardern tests negative for Covid-19 after catching a cold from daughter” According to MSM source Stuff: by Martin Harris 8/4/21 Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern will miss the first day back in Parliament after a three-week recess after catching a cold from daughter Neve. A spokesman for the Prime Minister […]
“Racism exists, but it is not welcome here. An assault on the freedom of any one of us who practices their faith or religion, is not welcome here. Violence, and extremism in all its forms, is not welcome here.” Jacinda Ardern, March 2019, Christchurch. But is this a case of […]
Is this a consequence of geoengineering? MH Massive Flooding in Henan Zhengzhou | People Trapped in Subway | China’s Dam In Crisis On July 20, Zhengzhou City in Henan Province, China, was hit by an extreme rainstorm that was unseen for centuries. A video showed hundreds of passengers were trapped […]
The government’s Three Waters water-grab (typical Communist asset-seizure) which takes control of water supply from ratepaying local control (via regional councils) and into direct control of “Big Sister” was open for Submissions until the beginning of March. Thing is, most of the general populace never heard about it until well […]
A couple of great and very perceptive but contrasting perspectives on the current agenda to integrate Te Reo with the English language in New Zealand-Aotearoa, plus my own comments. MH. When is Te Reo Maori not Te Reo & Rednecks Are Right – If But For The Wrong Reasons. by […]