Trump and Zelensky have a history, but many MSM outlets called their latest meeting “awkward”. Trump wants to end the war with Russia expediently, but are he and Zelensky on the same page? Who is actually profiting from war in Ukraine? 30/9/24 “deep dive” by Martin Harris According Nigerian (!) […]
Editor’s Comment
Vindication for this author as I’ve proposed the theory many times over the years. Some (not all) UFOs are plasma based life or “pre-life” as this extraordinary research paper explains. Some readers may be familiar with the work of Trevor James Constable who backed up the theory with infra-red photography. […]
The world didn’t end in 2012, it was hijacked by the Cosmic Joker. I can’t think of any other reasonable explanation. Martin Harris 14/9/24 Serious news and geopolitical analysis is delivered by comedians. The mainstream news is satire delivered with deadpan seriousness. Right wing Republican/Capitalist diehards Bush and Cheney put […]
Two names are forever remembered in association with the destruction of the WTC on 9/11/01. They are of course Bush and Cheney. Biden called Trump an “alley cat”, but Bush and Cheney could rightly be called a pair of mongrels. So when these two instigators of endless wars and death […]
Israel couldn’t wait around. Palestine wanted to play the long-wait game, Israel didn’t have the patience or the inclination. And it isn’t over. Martin Harris 26/8/24 I’m no geopolitical analytical genius. But lets see if I understand the sequence of events in the Middle East over the past few weeks. […]
Two-Tier Kier they are now calling their new PM in the UK. Does it sound familiar, Kiwis? Here’s a reminder. One admits it, the other in denial, both with the same agenda. Above: Image shared by Kier Starmer on social media of his meeting with Ardern in 2022. I’m sure […]
Remember the premise of the original Robocop movie from the 80s? Step 1: Refuse to arrest criminals. Step 2: Watch crime skyrocket. Step 3: Use skyrocketing crime as an excuse to implement draconian police state. I remember saying these Robocop movies were a warning about what’s coming. You can guess […]
“Thousand Points of Light. I never quite got that one. What the hell is that? Has anyone ever figured that one out?” President Donald J. Trump, 2018 Yes. I think we have figured that one out. Welcome to 2024, where an esoteric occult term takes on a very literal and […]
Stonehenge, UFOs and the Loch Ness Monster can always be guaranteed to be trotted out by the Mainstream Media on an annual basis to distract us from the real headlines. Here’s the latest “bombshell, perplexing” revelation with a fairly simple answer. Martin Harris 16/8/24 Image copyright Shutterstock I drove home […]
BlackRock: One of the great mega-villains of the economic investment world. Seems we can’t escape their clutches in the current Globalist environment. NZ readers may recall when the previous PM, left-winger “comrade” Jacinda Ardern, was caught like a possum in the headlights exiting the BlackRock Investments HQ on her US […]